Category: Book of Abstracts ZAA 2010

Acute appendicitis in children

Abstract Title: Acute appendicitis in children Authors: Golea Alina, Pascu Lorena Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania Abstract text: Acute appendicitis at children is...

The evaluation of the Romanian Insulin Market

Abstract Title: The evaluation of the Romanian Insulin Market Authors: Claudiu Morogvan1*, Smaranda Cosma2, Steliana Ghibu3 Affiliation: 1 Department of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Legislation, Faculty...

Nowadays classification of gastric dysplasia

Abstract Title: Nowadays classification of gastric dysplasia Authors: Papiu Horatiu¹, Dumnici Alexandru¹, Oniţa M. ², Sofronie S.¹, Munteanu Armando3, Aiordăchioae Gigi¹, Albu Anastasia², Ţepeş Viorel²...