Category: V – Young Researchers

Endoscopic diagnosis of colorectal cancer

Abstract Title: Endoscopic diagnosis of colorectal cancer Authors: Delia Irimia, Teodor Pelea, Carmen Maler, Ioana Haiduc, Bogdan Miutescu, Eftimie Miutescu Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” Western University...

Endoscopic diagnosis of esophageal cancer

Abstract Title: Endoscopic diagnosis of esophageal cancer Authors: Oana Clep, Andrei Taucean, Carmen Maler, Ioana Haiduc, Bogdan Miutescu, Eftimie Miutescu Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” Western University...

The incidence of gastric cancer

Abstract Title: The incidence of gastric cancer Authors: Miklos Imola Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania Abstract text: The incidence of gastric cancer varies...

Mild cognitive impairment and quality of life

Abstract Title: Mild cognitive impairment and quality of life Authors: Camelia Mila, Delia Podea Affiliation: Psychiatry Department, “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania Abstract text:...