Sigmoiditis associated with a pericolic abscess – case report

Abstract Title: Sigmoiditis associated with a pericolic abscess – case report
Authors: Toth Csongor, Miutescu Bogdan, Eftimie Miutescu
Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” Wastern University of Arad, Romania
Abstract text: The inflammation of the colon mucosa can hide a more feared diagnosis – a pericolic abscess. The etiology of the abscess can be a small perforation of the colon, a perforation on a colonic diverticulum by obstructing fecaliths or foreign sharp bodies. We present the special case of a 76 years old male patient diagnosed with pericolic abscess and sigmoiditis. The patient has been admitted to the Gastroenterology Clinic of Arad, Clinical Emergency County Hospital on March, 2010. Endoscopic examination revealed inflammation of the sigmoid colon mucosa. Because of the strange difference between the colonoscopy result and the clinical signs, pain at the superior abdominal level, the patients was further examined with the aid of a computer tomography. Abdominal ultrasound revealed a ¾ cm hyperechogen formation with a transonic content. Abdominal CT revealed a focal thickening of the sigmoid colon and a diffuse infiltration of the pericolic fat with an inflammatory process aspect. Furthermore, at a ColoCT, done 5 days after the abdominal CT, the thickening of the sigmoid colon and the infiltration of the pericolic fat with a inflammatory process aspect with abscess tendencies 7,1/7,4/6,35 cm was revealed. Because the patient refused surgical treatment he was treated with strong antibiotics. Blood markers were monitored for infection and inflammation.
Keywords: sigmoiditis, pericolic adsces, ColoCT
Presentation type: Oral
Correspondence: Clinical Emergency County Hospital, no. 1 Victoriei St., Arad, Romania