
Articles should be entirely written in english. The length of an article must be of minimum 5  pages and maximum 12 pages, A4 format, on a single column. All articles should present experimental scientific work. We will not accept articles that present only statistical data or are presented as reviews.

Thematics: Articles published in the journal “Jurnal Medical Aradean” should be focused on the following themes or specialities: preclinical medicine, clinical medicine, pharmacy and dental medicine.

Required format: Your papers should be sent by mail or post (diskette, cd, dvd) to the following email address:

or by regullar mail to: Facultatea de Medicină, Universitatea de Vest Vasile Goldiş, Str. L. Rebreanu nr. 86, Arad, România.

Please send only doc or docx format.

Page setup: Paper A4 format, Portrait, Top 1cm, Bottom 1cm, Right 2 cm, Left 2cm, Gutter 0cm, Mirror margins, Header 1cm, Footer 1cm. Please do not insert page numbers or any other text in Header and Footer.

Title: Century Gothic 16, All caps, bold, center, single line. Title should be only in english.

Subtitles: Main subtitles (such as Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, References) should be Arial 10, All Caps, bold, left, single line. Sub-subtitles should be Arial 10, Sentence case, bold, left, single line.

Authors: Arial 10, Title case, bold, center, single line. Full name is required with your given name followed by your surname (i.e. John Hopkins). Authors’ names should be separated by commas (i.e. John Hopkins, Jane Harper). For each author, there has to be an indication of their affiliation; for this please use superscript numbers (i.e. John Hopkins1 ). One of the authors will be marked with an asterisk for correspondence (i.e. John Hopkins*).

Affiliation: Arial 10, Sentence case, normal, center, single line (i.e. 1Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, „Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad).

Abstract: Arial 10, Sentence case, normal, justify, single line. The abstract should be in english and at least 5 lines but maximum 10 lines.

Keywords: Arial 10, lowercase, normal, justify, single line. Keywords should be in english and there are 5 keywords required.

Text format: All text should be submited in english. Times New Roman 10, Sentence Case, normal, justify, single line, Paragraph First line 0,5cm. Your article should be organized on Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, References. We accept also articles that are not structured this way, but there should be at least an Introduction, some main subtitles structured on ideas expressed and of course Conclusions and References. Please do not number your conclusions and References. Names writen in latin should be with Italic letters.

Citations: All articles and books listed will have to be cited in text using main author’s surname and
year of publication, such as: (Hopkins, 2001). For more than one author, the citation should be: (Hopkins et al., 2001). Please do not use numbers instead of names.

Images: Please try to use a good resolution for your pictures (300dpi) and in order to make the word file smaller insert them as jpg files. We reserve the right to modify your image’s size for esthetic purposes only. The text indicating what the images represent should be Arial 9, Sentence Case, normal, left, single line (i.e. Fig. 1 Mitochondria in electron microscopy).

Tables and graphics: Arial 9, Sentence case, normal, single line.

References: Times New Roman 10, Sentence case, normal, single line, Paragraph Hanging 1cm. Please arrange your references in alphabetical order. Please do not number the references. Here is an example: Finette BA, Romans AC, Rivers J, Messier T, Albertini RJ, Accumulation of somatic mutations in proliferating T cell clones from children treated for leukemia. Leukemia, 15, 1898–1905, 2001.

Correspondence: The affiliation should be followed by a correspondence information, using Times New Roman 10, Sentence case, normal, single line, such as: *Correspondence: Doe John, “Vasile Goldiş”  Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cell Biology,  no. 1 Constitution St., 310396, Arad, Romania, Tel. +40-(257)-222222, Fax. +40-(257)-222222, email:

Although the text will be organized by us on 2 columns we would appreciate you to write your paper on a single column.


Articles are reviewed by two reviewers that are not from the “Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad, that will fill a standard review form for each article. Their sugestions will be sent to the corresponding author, for further modifications. Reviewers are not familiar with the names of the authors, as well as the authors are not familiar with the name of their reviewers (double blind review system). The review process takes maximum 60 days, atferwards the author will be announced one of the following results: accepted article, rejected article or accepted article but with some modifications.

We are looking forward to publish your work.


Editorial Board