Viscosupplementation in osteoarthritis
October 21, 2010
Viscosupplementation in osteoarthritis
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Title: | Viscosupplementation in osteoarthritis |
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Article_Title: | Viscosupplementation in osteoarthritis |
Authors: | Mioara Banciu, Paul Tuduce, Loredana Marian |
Affiliation: | “Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad, Romania |
Abstract: | Viscosupplementation is a new therapy for the treatment of OA and refers to the i.a. injection of hyaluronic acid (HA), a high molecular weight polysaccharide which is a major component of synovial fluid and cartilage, in order to relieve pain and improve function; In OA, the molecular weight and concentration of HA are diminished. The concept of viscosupplementation is based on the hypothesis that IA injections of HA could help restore the viscoelasticity of the synovial fluid and promote the endogenous synthesis of a higer molecular weight and possibly more functional hyaluronan, thereby improving mobility and articular function, and reducing pain. Hyaluronan and its derivatives to have a structure modifying action by retarding structural progression in OA of the knee is considered. |
Keywords: | osteoarthritis, hyaluronic acid, IA treatment |
References: | Asari A., Miyanchie S., Matsuzaka S., Ito T., Rominami E., Uchiyama Y., Efectul dependent de greutate moleculara a bioloronaturii asupra sinovialei artritice, Tokyo Research Institute, University abdical School, Osaka, Japan, vol.6, nr.2, 1998, pag.125-135; Andre Lussier, Alfred A.Cividino, Charles A.Mc.Forlane, Wojciech P.Olzynski, Wayne I.Potushner, Rinaedo de Medius-Viscosupplementatour with Hyalgan for the Treatment of osteoarthitis:Findings from Clinical Practice in Canada,The Journal of Rheumatology, 1996, 23:9, pag.1579-1585; Castelacci E.Polierit, Antalgic effect and clinical tolerability of hyaluronic acid in patients with degenerative diseases of knee cartilage, an ontpatient treatment survey, Drugs exptl Clin.res., XXX(2) 2004, pag.67-73; Chen Ti Wang,Jeni Cin, Chee Jen Chang,Ju tsan Lin, Sheng More Hore – Effects therapeutiques d’acide hyaluronique dans la coxartrose, metanalyse d’essais randomises controles, The Journal of bone Joint surgery, mars 2004, vol.86, A nr.3, pag. 2-9. E.Mahee, X.Ayral, M.Dongados, A hyaluron preparation (500-730 KDA) in the treatment of osteoarthritis; a review of clinical trials with hyalan 504-513 – International Journal of Clinicals Practice, dec.2002, vol.56, nr.10, pag.804-813; Em.Corrado, G.F.Peluso, S.Gigleotti, C.De Durante s.a-Efectul administrarii introarticulare a acidului hialuronic in osteoartrita genunchiului;studiu clinic cu evaluari imunologice si biochimice-European Journal of Rheumathology and inflammation, vol.15, nr.1, 1995, pag.151-169; G. Leardini, L.Mattara, M.Franceschini, A.Perbellini, G.Termetta: Tratamentul i.a al osteoartritei genunchiului. Un studiu comparativ intre acidul hialuronic si 6 metil prednisolon acetat,Clinical and experimental Rheumatology, 9:375-381,1991. I. Gossec, M. Dougados, Intraarticular treatments in osteoarthritis: from the symptomatic to the structure modifying, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, mai 2004, vol 63, nr.5, pag.478-482; J.P.Raymond, Lev Torrance , P.A.Band, G.H.Goldsmith, P.Tugwell, V.Walker, M.Schmitz, N.Bellamy, University of Montreal, Ontario, Ottawa, Quebec, New Jersey, Queensland-A prospective randomized pragmatic,health outcomes trial evaluating the incomparation of hyalan (G=F20), into the treatment paradigm for patients with knee osteoarthritis, (Part 1-2), clinical results,2002, vol.10, pag.506-517; Leovian Burton – Sodein hyaluronate improses rice osteoartritis with High Patient Satisfaction, EULAR, Lisbon, Portugal, june 20, 2003; N.Bellamy, J.Campbell, V.Robinson, G.A.Wells. R.B.Bourne, A Cochrane review of viscosupplementation Hyalan G-F20 versus placebo osteoporosis international with other metabolic disease, Fifth European Congress on Clinical and Economic aspects of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, 16-19 March 2005, Roma, Italy, vol.16, supplement 3, 2005; N.Bellamy, M.J.Bell, Ch. Goldsmith, D.Pericok, V.Walker, J.P.Raymond, G.W.Torrance-Evaluation of WOMAC 20, 50, 70 response criteria in patients treated with hyalan G-F20 for knee osteoarthritis – Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, June 2005, vol.64, nr.6, pp. 881-890; Petrella R.Y., Hyaluronic acid for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, Long Term outcomes from naturalistic Primary care experience, American Journal of Physical medicine rehabilitation, vol.84, nr.4, pp. 278-283. R.W.Jubb, S.Piva, l.Beinat, I.Dacre, P.Gishen – A one – Jeor vandomized, placebo(saline), Controlled Clinical Trial of 500-730 KDA sodium hyaluronate (hyalgan), on the radiological change in osteoarthritis of the knee – International Journal of Clinical Practice, July/aug 2003, vol.57, nr.6, pag. 467-473; R.Y.Petrella, M.D.Di Silvestro-C.Hildebrand – Effects of hyaluronate sodic and pain and Physical Functioning in osteoarthritis of the knee a Randomized, Double blind, Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial-Archives of internal medicine, februarie 2002, vol.162, pag.292-298. Ray D.Altman, Roland Woshowitz et le Groupe d’etude de Hyalan-L’hyaluronate de sodium (Hyalan), en inzection articulaire dans le traitement de la gonorthroze, un etude clinique vandomizee, The Journal of Rheumatology, vol.25 (nr.11) , 1998, pag.2003-2212 ; Robert J. Petrella, Anthony Cogliano – Intraarticular hyaluronic and treatment for Golfer’s Toe, The Physician and Sports Medicine, july 2004. T. Yasuda, S.M. Julovi, T.Nakamura, Inhibition of Matrix metalloproteinase production by Hyaluronal via CD44 in interleukin 1beta – stimulated cartilage, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR 2005, Abstracts, pag.477 V.Pitrogrande, Pl.Melanotte, B.D.Agnola, M.Ulevi, G.A.Benigni-Acidul hialuronic versus metilprednisolar injectat i.a in tratamentul osteostritei genunchiului, Current therapeutic research, vol.50, nr.5, noiembrie 1991, pag.51-60. |
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Correspondence: | Banciu Mioara, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Str. Feleacului nr. 1 Arad 310396 Romania, Phone 0040-257-256931, e-mail: |
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Article Title: | Viscosupplementation in osteoarthritis |
Authors: | Mioara Banciu, Paul Tuduce, Loredana Marian |
Affiliation: | “Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad, Romania |
Abstract: | Viscosupplementation is a new therapy for the treatment of OA and refers to the i.a. injection of hyaluronic acid (HA), a high molecular weight polysaccharide which is a major component of synovial fluid and cartilage, in order to relieve pain and improve function; In OA, the molecular weight and concentration of HA are diminished. The concept of viscosupplementation is based on the hypothesis that IA injections of HA could help restore the viscoelasticity of the synovial fluid and promote the endogenous synthesis of a higer molecular weight and possibly more functional hyaluronan, thereby improving mobility and articular function, and reducing pain. Hyaluronan and its derivatives to have a structure modifying action by retarding structural progression in OA of the knee is considered. |
Keywords: | osteoarthritis, hyaluronic acid, IA treatment |
References: | Asari A., Miyanchie S., Matsuzaka S., Ito T., Rominami E., Uchiyama Y., Efectul dependent de greutate moleculara a bioloronaturii asupra sinovialei artritice, Tokyo Research Institute, University abdical School, Osaka, Japan, vol.6, nr.2, 1998, pag.125-135; Andre Lussier, Alfred A.Cividino, Charles A.Mc.Forlane, Wojciech P.Olzynski, Wayne I.Potushner, Rinaedo de Medius-Viscosupplementatour with Hyalgan for the Treatment of osteoarthitis:Findings from Clinical Practice in Canada,The Journal of Rheumatology, 1996, 23:9, pag.1579-1585; Castelacci E.Polierit, Antalgic effect and clinical tolerability of hyaluronic acid in patients with degenerative diseases of knee cartilage, an ontpatient treatment survey, Drugs exptl Clin.res., XXX(2) 2004, pag.67-73; Chen Ti Wang,Jeni Cin, Chee Jen Chang,Ju tsan Lin, Sheng More Hore – Effects therapeutiques d’acide hyaluronique dans la coxartrose, metanalyse d’essais randomises controles, The Journal of bone Joint surgery, mars 2004, vol.86, A nr.3, pag. 2-9. E.Mahee, X.Ayral, M.Dongados, A hyaluron preparation (500-730 KDA) in the treatment of osteoarthritis; a review of clinical trials with hyalan 504-513 – International Journal of Clinicals Practice, dec.2002, vol.56, nr.10, pag.804-813; Em.Corrado, G.F.Peluso, S.Gigleotti, C.De Durante s.a-Efectul administrarii introarticulare a acidului hialuronic in osteoartrita genunchiului;studiu clinic cu evaluari imunologice si biochimice-European Journal of Rheumathology and inflammation, vol.15, nr.1, 1995, pag.151-169; G. Leardini, L.Mattara, M.Franceschini, A.Perbellini, G.Termetta: Tratamentul i.a al osteoartritei genunchiului. Un studiu comparativ intre acidul hialuronic si 6 metil prednisolon acetat,Clinical and experimental Rheumatology, 9:375-381,1991. I. Gossec, M. Dougados, Intraarticular treatments in osteoarthritis: from the symptomatic to the structure modifying, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, mai 2004, vol 63, nr.5, pag.478-482; J.P.Raymond, Lev Torrance , P.A.Band, G.H.Goldsmith, P.Tugwell, V.Walker, M.Schmitz, N.Bellamy, University of Montreal, Ontario, Ottawa, Quebec, New Jersey, Queensland-A prospective randomized pragmatic,health outcomes trial evaluating the incomparation of hyalan (G=F20), into the treatment paradigm for patients with knee osteoarthritis, (Part 1-2), clinical results,2002, vol.10, pag.506-517; Leovian Burton – Sodein hyaluronate improses rice osteoartritis with High Patient Satisfaction, EULAR, Lisbon, Portugal, june 20, 2003; N.Bellamy, J.Campbell, V.Robinson, G.A.Wells. R.B.Bourne, A Cochrane review of viscosupplementation Hyalan G-F20 versus placebo osteoporosis international with other metabolic disease, Fifth European Congress on Clinical and Economic aspects of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, 16-19 March 2005, Roma, Italy, vol.16, supplement 3, 2005; N.Bellamy, M.J.Bell, Ch. Goldsmith, D.Pericok, V.Walker, J.P.Raymond, G.W.Torrance-Evaluation of WOMAC 20, 50, 70 response criteria in patients treated with hyalan G-F20 for knee osteoarthritis – Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, June 2005, vol.64, nr.6, pp. 881-890; Petrella R.Y., Hyaluronic acid for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, Long Term outcomes from naturalistic Primary care experience, American Journal of Physical medicine rehabilitation, vol.84, nr.4, pp. 278-283. R.W.Jubb, S.Piva, l.Beinat, I.Dacre, P.Gishen – A one – Jeor vandomized, placebo(saline), Controlled Clinical Trial of 500-730 KDA sodium hyaluronate (hyalgan), on the radiological change in osteoarthritis of the knee – International Journal of Clinical Practice, July/aug 2003, vol.57, nr.6, pag. 467-473; R.Y.Petrella, M.D.Di Silvestro-C.Hildebrand – Effects of hyaluronate sodic and pain and Physical Functioning in osteoarthritis of the knee a Randomized, Double blind, Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial-Archives of internal medicine, februarie 2002, vol.162, pag.292-298. Ray D.Altman, Roland Woshowitz et le Groupe d’etude de Hyalan-L’hyaluronate de sodium (Hyalan), en inzection articulaire dans le traitement de la gonorthroze, un etude clinique vandomizee, The Journal of Rheumatology, vol.25 (nr.11) , 1998, pag.2003-2212 ; Robert J. Petrella, Anthony Cogliano – Intraarticular hyaluronic and treatment for Golfer’s Toe, The Physician and Sports Medicine, july 2004. T. Yasuda, S.M. Julovi, T.Nakamura, Inhibition of Matrix metalloproteinase production by Hyaluronal via CD44 in interleukin 1beta – stimulated cartilage, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR 2005, Abstracts, pag.477 V.Pitrogrande, Pl.Melanotte, B.D.Agnola, M.Ulevi, G.A.Benigni-Acidul hialuronic versus metilprednisolar injectat i.a in tratamentul osteostritei genunchiului, Current therapeutic research, vol.50, nr.5, noiembrie 1991, pag.51-60. |
*Correspondence: | Banciu Mioara, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Str. Feleacului nr. 1 Arad 310396 Romania, Phone 0040-257-256931, e-mail: |