Therapeutical strategies in mild cognitive impairment
Authors: Camelia Mila, Delia Marina Podea, Ramona-Maria Chenderes
Affiliation: West „Vasile Goldiş” University of Arad, Psychiatry Department
Abstract. Increasing life expectancy has been associated with an increase in the number of old people with dementia. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) describes the slight impairment in cognitive function—typically memory—that is thought to be a transitional state between the cognition of normal aging and mild dementia. Approximately 50-80% of MCI patients develop dementia during the later course (Peterson et al 1999, 2001a, 2001b). Between 6 and 25% of MCI patients progress to dementia or AD each year. MCI patients should be evaluated regularly for progression to AD. Knowing the risk for conversion is important because we can inform the patients and their relatives, we can give advice for preventing strategies and also we can treat MCI as to reduce de risk for conversion to dementia. Our aim was to review the data on recommended treatment for MCI.