The role of ecosystem factors in the appearance and evolution of acute/chronic bronchiolitis in children
Authors: D. Lazar, Viorica Leordean, Liana Precup, Simona Dumitra, R.Teru
Affiliation: Western University ’’Vasile Goldis’’Arad-Faculty of General Medicine County Clinical Hospital –Pediatrics II-Arad
Abstract. The objective of the study was to underline the pathogenic interrelation between child’s ecosystem factors and acute bronchiolitis. The study protocol envisaged a retrospective analysis over a four year period on a cohort of 870 children with ages between 4 months and 2.6 years old. The following parameters were analyzed: child’s habitat, origin environment, climatic season, biological background (anemia, dystrophy, rachitism), progressive particularities and clinic forms of disease. Results and conclusions: The study shows what non-biotic factors of the child’s ecosystem ultimately influence his biological state. The precarious habitat was present in more than 65.87% of the cases, of which more than half developed severe forms of disease. The urban environment is dominant (in 60% of the cases), which is linked to the evolution of severe forms of disease in a percentage of 50.95. In a precarious habitat and the rural environment, recurrences are met in a proportion of 6.97% and relapses in 8.37% of the cases. Precocious treatment led to healing in similar proportions for both environments: 67.81% for the urban one and 65.22% for the rural one. The cold season favored the acute bronchiolitis in a proportion of 59.25%, of which 52.21% would evolve in severe forms, delaying the healing process and encouraging recurrences and relapses. The modified biological background has a negative influence on patient’s biological state, favoring acute respiratory infections.