October 15, 2014
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Authors: | Laura NICOLESCU, Afilon JOMPAN, Delia Marina PODEA |
Affiliation: | “Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad, România |
Abstract: | Many researchers have suggested that measuring the levels of gastrin and pepsinogen during the treatment to eradicate H. pylori infection may be useful to assess whether the treatment is effective or not. The gastrin which is a key- enzyme in modulating gastric acid secretion is also a direct activator of carbonic anhydrase (CA). In our work we have studied the effect of treatment to eradicate H. pylori infection on the levels of serum gastrin and carbonic anhydrase IV in the gastric mucosa, in the case of two groups of patients with UD and positive H. pylori diagnostics who were treated by means of triple therapy, and respectively quadruple therapy for 10 days. Endoscopy with biopsy sampling was performed in the case of all patients. The study results prove the implication of isoenzyme CA IV of the gastric mucosa and the gastrin in the action of therapy mechanisms to eradicate H. pylori infection. Following the treatment to eradicate the H. pylori infection one reveals a decrease of CA IV gastric activity by 64% in the Group no. 1 patients, and 78% in the Group no. 2 patients, while the levels of serum in gastrin decrease by 58% in Group no. 1 and by 69% in group no.2, respectively. |
Keywords: | Helicobacter pylori, Carbonic anhydrase, Duodenal (peptic) ulcer, Gastrin |
References: | , School Of Hygeine And Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland. Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress, pag,1557-1571,. Edited by Kenneth L. Davis, Dennis Charney, Joseph T. Coyle, and Charles Nemeroff, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology _ 2002. NIDA InfoFacts: High School and Youth Trends, www.nida.nih.gov NIDA Drug Abuse and Addiction, www.nida.nih.gov John Marsden PhD, Brian Eastwood MSc , Colin Bradbury BSc, Annette Dale-Perera BSc, Michael Farrell MRCPsych,Paul Hammond MSc , Jonathan Knight BA, Kulvir Randhawa BSc , Craig Wright BA, Effectiveness of community treatments for heroin and crack cocaine addiction in England: a prospective, in-treatment cohort study The Lancet, Volume 374, Issue 9697, Pages 1262 – 1270, 10 October 2009 De Franjo Grotenhermen, Ethan Russo, Cannabis and cannabinoids: pharmacology, toxicology, and therapeutic potential, The Haworth Press Inc.,2002 WHO/MSD/MSB/00.3, Guide to Drug Abuse Epidemiology, Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health Cluster, World Health Organzation ESPAD 2007, Studiu privind prevalenţa consumului de droguri în România, Studiu în populaţia generală, 2007, Ministerul Internelor şi Reformei Administrative, Agenţia Naţională Antidrog Repere ştiinţifice ale consumului de droguri în societatea românească, Agentia Nationala Antidrog, 2008, http://www.ana.gov.ro Keyresult Generator ,www.espad.org Michael Gossop, Paul Griffiths, Beverly Powis, Sara Williamson, John Strang Frequency of non-fatal heroin overdose: survey of heroin users recruited in non-clinical settings, BMJ 1996;313:402 http://www.drugrehab.co.uk, FAQ About Cocaine http://www.marijuana-addiction.net http://www.adevarul.ro/societate/sanatate/Eugen_Hriscu-psihiatru, 15.08.2010 Stanciulescu, E., – Teorii sociologice contemporane. Producţia sinelui şi construcţia sociologiei, Ed. Polirom, Iasi, 1996 J. Szczepanski, – Noţiuni elementare de sociologie, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1972, E. Durkheim, – Educaţie şi sociologie, Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1980 Stancu, I., (2008). – Psihoterapia în toxicodependenţă. Modul 1., din Psihoterapie (Repere teoretice, metodologice şi aplicative) – vol.coord. de Mitrofan I., Editura Sper, Bucureşti 5 Years After: Portugal’s Drug Decriminalization Policy Shows Positive Results, www.scientificamerican.com Drugs in Portugal: Did Decriminalization Work? – www.time.com Decriminalisation | International Drug Policy Consortium, www.idpc.net Eberhard Schatz, Katrin Schiffer, John Peter Kools, The Dutch treatment and social support system for drug users , Recent developments and the example of Amsterdam, January 2011 Jeffrey A. Miron, Professor of Economics, Boston University,jmiron@bu.edu, 781-856-0086, October 24, 2002, The Effect of Marijuana Decriminalization on the Budgets of Massachusetts Governments,With a Discussion of Decriminalization’s Effect on Marijuana Use Jenkins, Simon (2009-09-03). “The war on drugs is immoral idiocy. We need the courage of Argentina – While Latin American countries decriminalise narcotics, Britain persists in prohibition that causes vast human suffering”, www.guardian.co.uk New drug guidelines are Europe’s most liberal, The Prague Post, December 23, 2009 Ley de Narcomenudeo, El Pensador, October 17, 2009 European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies (ENCOD) , Norway Drug Reform, 1 July 2010 Christian Lüscher and Mark A Ungless, The Mechanistic Classification of Addictive Drugs, Published online 2006 November 14. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0030437. |
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Authors: | Laura NICOLESCU, Afilon JOMPAN, Delia Marina PODEA |
Affiliation: | “Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad, România |
Abstract: | Many researchers have suggested that measuring the levels of gastrin and pepsinogen during the treatment to eradicate H. pylori infection may be useful to assess whether the treatment is effective or not. The gastrin which is a key- enzyme in modulating gastric acid secretion is also a direct activator of carbonic anhydrase (CA). In our work we have studied the effect of treatment to eradicate H. pylori infection on the levels of serum gastrin and carbonic anhydrase IV in the gastric mucosa, in the case of two groups of patients with UD and positive H. pylori diagnostics who were treated by means of triple therapy, and respectively quadruple therapy for 10 days. Endoscopy with biopsy sampling was performed in the case of all patients. The study results prove the implication of isoenzyme CA IV of the gastric mucosa and the gastrin in the action of therapy mechanisms to eradicate H. pylori infection. Following the treatment to eradicate the H. pylori infection one reveals a decrease of CA IV gastric activity by 64% in the Group no. 1 patients, and 78% in the Group no. 2 patients, while the levels of serum in gastrin decrease by 58% in Group no. 1 and by 69% in group no.2, respectively. |
Keywords: | Helicobacter pylori, Carbonic anhydrase, Duodenal (peptic) ulcer, Gastrin |
References: | , School Of Hygeine And Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland. Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress, pag,1557-1571,. Edited by Kenneth L. Davis, Dennis Charney, Joseph T. Coyle, and Charles Nemeroff, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology _ 2002. NIDA InfoFacts: High School and Youth Trends, www.nida.nih.gov NIDA Drug Abuse and Addiction, www.nida.nih.gov John Marsden PhD, Brian Eastwood MSc , Colin Bradbury BSc, Annette Dale-Perera BSc, Michael Farrell MRCPsych,Paul Hammond MSc , Jonathan Knight BA, Kulvir Randhawa BSc , Craig Wright BA, Effectiveness of community treatments for heroin and crack cocaine addiction in England: a prospective, in-treatment cohort study The Lancet, Volume 374, Issue 9697, Pages 1262 – 1270, 10 October 2009 De Franjo Grotenhermen, Ethan Russo, Cannabis and cannabinoids: pharmacology, toxicology, and therapeutic potential, The Haworth Press Inc.,2002 WHO/MSD/MSB/00.3, Guide to Drug Abuse Epidemiology, Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health Cluster, World Health Organzation ESPAD 2007, Studiu privind prevalenţa consumului de droguri în România, Studiu în populaţia generală, 2007, Ministerul Internelor şi Reformei Administrative, Agenţia Naţională Antidrog Repere ştiinţifice ale consumului de droguri în societatea românească, Agentia Nationala Antidrog, 2008, http://www.ana.gov.ro Keyresult Generator ,www.espad.org Michael Gossop, Paul Griffiths, Beverly Powis, Sara Williamson, John Strang Frequency of non-fatal heroin overdose: survey of heroin users recruited in non-clinical settings, BMJ 1996;313:402 http://www.drugrehab.co.uk, FAQ About Cocaine http://www.marijuana-addiction.net http://www.adevarul.ro/societate/sanatate/Eugen_Hriscu-psihiatru, 15.08.2010 Stanciulescu, E., – Teorii sociologice contemporane. Producţia sinelui şi construcţia sociologiei, Ed. Polirom, Iasi, 1996 J. Szczepanski, – Noţiuni elementare de sociologie, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1972, E. Durkheim, – Educaţie şi sociologie, Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1980 Stancu, I., (2008). – Psihoterapia în toxicodependenţă. Modul 1., din Psihoterapie (Repere teoretice, metodologice şi aplicative) – vol.coord. de Mitrofan I., Editura Sper, Bucureşti 5 Years After: Portugal’s Drug Decriminalization Policy Shows Positive Results, www.scientificamerican.com Drugs in Portugal: Did Decriminalization Work? – www.time.com Decriminalisation | International Drug Policy Consortium, www.idpc.net Eberhard Schatz, Katrin Schiffer, John Peter Kools, The Dutch treatment and social support system for drug users , Recent developments and the example of Amsterdam, January 2011 Jeffrey A. Miron, Professor of Economics, Boston University,jmiron@bu.edu, 781-856-0086, October 24, 2002, The Effect of Marijuana Decriminalization on the Budgets of Massachusetts Governments,With a Discussion of Decriminalization’s Effect on Marijuana Use Jenkins, Simon (2009-09-03). “The war on drugs is immoral idiocy. We need the courage of Argentina – While Latin American countries decriminalise narcotics, Britain persists in prohibition that causes vast human suffering”, www.guardian.co.uk New drug guidelines are Europe’s most liberal, The Prague Post, December 23, 2009 Ley de Narcomenudeo, El Pensador, October 17, 2009 European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies (ENCOD) , Norway Drug Reform, 1 July 2010 Christian Lüscher and Mark A Ungless, The Mechanistic Classification of Addictive Drugs, Published online 2006 November 14. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0030437. |
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