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Authors: | Apostol Albert, Damian Gratian, Sferdian Mircea, Fruja Dan, Deme Paul, Fazakas Roland |
Affiliation: | „Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Faculty of Medicine Pharmacy and Dental Medicine , Department of General Medicine |
Abstract: | The purpose of this paper is to promote preventive practices among the population and to develop an effective strategy for screening for early detection radio-imaging of breast cancer. [22, 23, 26] Using nuclear magnetic resonance to perform screening among women presenting high-risk mutations in genes associated with breast cancer has generated debates concerning the definition of the optimal amount of evidence of effectiveness of new tests for the identification of the disease. |
Keywords: | breast, cancer, radio |
References: | 1. Ahern, CH. Shis, YC. Dong, W. Parmigiani, G. Shen, Y. (2014), Cost-effectiveness of alternative strategies for integrating MRI into breast cancer screening for women at high risk, Br J Cancer, 458; 2. Boer, R. Warmerdam, P. Koning, H. (1994), Extra incidence caused by mammographic screening, Lancet, 343; 3. Brawley, OW. (2014), The argument for breast cancer screening, Clin Adv Hematol Oncol, 6; 4. Brown, SL. Kartoz, C. (2014), Breast Cancer Risk Assessment in Primary Care, MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs, 39; 5. Chock, C. Irwig, L. Berry, G. Glasziou, P. (1997), Comparing dichotomous screening tests when individuals negative on both tests are not verified. J Clin Epidemiol, 50; 6. Elmore, JG. Armstrong, K. Lehman, CD. Fletcher, SW. (2005), Screening for breast cancer. JAMA, 234; 7. Ernster, V. Barclay, J. Kerlikowske, K. Grady, D. Henderson, I. (1996), Incidence of and treatment for ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. JAMA, 275; 8. International Agency for Research on Cancer, (2002), IARC handbooks of cancer prevention, volume 7: breast cancer screening. Lyon: IARC Press; 9. Irwig, L. Houssami, N. van Vliet, C. (2004), New technologies in screening for breast cancer: a systematic review of their accuracy. Br J Cancer 90; 10. Khalvati, F. Gallego Ortiz, C. Balasingham, S. (2014), Automated Segmentation of Breast in 3D MR Images Using a Robust Atlas, IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 10; 11. Le-Petross, HT1. Whitman, GJ. Atchley, DP. Yuan, Y. Gutierrez-Barrera, A. Hortobagyi, GN. Litton, JK. Arun, BK. (2011), Effectiveness of alternating mammography and magnetic resonance imaging for screening women with deleterious BRCA mutations at high risk of breast cancer, Cancer, 17; 12. Liberman, L. (2004), Breast cancer screening with MR-what are the data for patients at high risk?, N Engl J Med, 351; 13. Magda, P. Dan, P. (2010), Cancerul de sân. Noţiuni de invesţigatie imagistică. Editura Veritas, Timisoara; 14. Mayrhofer, RM. Ng, HP1. Putti, TC2. Kuchel, PW3. (2013), Magnetic resonance in the detection of breast cancers of different histological types, Magn Reson Insights, 6; 15. McDonnell, CH. Seidenwurm, DJ. McDonnell, DE. Bobolis, KA. (2013), Self administered screening for hereditary cancers in conjunction with mammography and ultrasound, Fam Cancer, 4; 16. Mircea, I. Gheorge, N. (2007) Atlas de anatomie umană, Editura ştiinţifică şi enciclopedică, Bucureşti; 17. Murphy, CD. Lee, JM. Drohan, B. Euhus, DM. Kopans, DB. Gadd, MA. Rafferty, EA. Specht, MC. Smith, BL. Hughes, KS. (2008), The American Cancer Society guidelines for breast screening with magnetic resonance imaging: an argument for genetic testing, Cancer, 11; 18. Paci, E. Warwick, J. Falini, P. Duffy, SW. (2004), Overdiagnosis in screening: is the increase in breast cancer incidence rates a cause for concern?, J Med Screen, 11; 19. Pisano, ED. Gatsonis, C. Hendrick, E. Yaffe, M. Baum, JK. Acharyya, S. et al. (2005), Diagnostic performance of digital versus film mammography for breastcancer screening, N Engl J Med, 353; 20. Ray, D. Grumet, S. Lagmay-Fuentes, P. Jacob, L. Terzo, A. Puma, A. Hwang, S. (2014), Short-term outcomes of the implementation of a computer-based breast cancer risk assessment program during screening mammography, J Community Support Oncol, 12; 21. Robson, ME. Offit, K. (2004). Breast MRI for women with hereditary cancer risk. JAMA, 292; 22. Taylor, R. Supramaniam, R. Rickard, M. Estoesta, J. Moreira, C. (2002), Interval breast cancers in New South Wales, Australia, and comparisons with trials and other mammographic screening programmes, J Med Screen, 9; 23. Yaffe, M. (2004), What should the burden of proof be for acceptance of a new breast-cancer screening technique? Lancet, 364; 24. Youk, JH. Son, EJ. Gweon, HM. Kim, H. Park, YJ. Kim, JA. (2014) Comparison of Strain and Shear Wave Elastography for the Differentiation of Benign From Malignant BreastLesions, Combined With B-mode Ultrasonography: Qualitative and Quantitative Assessments, Ultrasound Med Biol, 26; 25. Zackrisson, S. Andersson, I. Janzon, L. Manjer, J. Garne, JP. (2006), Rate of over-diagnosis of breast cancer 15 years after end of Malmö mammographic screening trial: follow-up study. BMJ, 332; 26. Zahl, PH. Strand, BH. Maehlen, J. (2004), Incidence of breast cancer in Norway and Sweden during introduction of nationwide screening: prospective cohort study. BMJ, 328; |
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Authors: | Apostol Albert, Damian Gratian, Sferdian Mircea, Fruja Dan, Deme Paul, Fazakas Roland |
Affiliation: | „Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Faculty of Medicine Pharmacy and Dental Medicine , Department of General Medicine |
Abstract: | The purpose of this paper is to promote preventive practices among the population and to develop an effective strategy for screening for early detection radio-imaging of breast cancer. [22, 23, 26] Using nuclear magnetic resonance to perform screening among women presenting high-risk mutations in genes associated with breast cancer has generated debates concerning the definition of the optimal amount of evidence of effectiveness of new tests for the identification of the disease. |
Keywords: | breast, cancer, radio |
References: | 1. Ahern, CH. Shis, YC. Dong, W. Parmigiani, G. Shen, Y. (2014), Cost-effectiveness of alternative strategies for integrating MRI into breast cancer screening for women at high risk, Br J Cancer, 458; 2. Boer, R. Warmerdam, P. Koning, H. (1994), Extra incidence caused by mammographic screening, Lancet, 343; 3. Brawley, OW. (2014), The argument for breast cancer screening, Clin Adv Hematol Oncol, 6; 4. Brown, SL. Kartoz, C. (2014), Breast Cancer Risk Assessment in Primary Care, MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs, 39; 5. Chock, C. Irwig, L. Berry, G. Glasziou, P. (1997), Comparing dichotomous screening tests when individuals negative on both tests are not verified. J Clin Epidemiol, 50; 6. Elmore, JG. Armstrong, K. Lehman, CD. Fletcher, SW. (2005), Screening for breast cancer. JAMA, 234; 7. Ernster, V. Barclay, J. Kerlikowske, K. Grady, D. Henderson, I. (1996), Incidence of and treatment for ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. JAMA, 275; 8. International Agency for Research on Cancer, (2002), IARC handbooks of cancer prevention, volume 7: breast cancer screening. Lyon: IARC Press; 9. Irwig, L. Houssami, N. van Vliet, C. (2004), New technologies in screening for breast cancer: a systematic review of their accuracy. Br J Cancer 90; 10. Khalvati, F. Gallego Ortiz, C. Balasingham, S. (2014), Automated Segmentation of Breast in 3D MR Images Using a Robust Atlas, IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 10; 11. Le-Petross, HT1. Whitman, GJ. Atchley, DP. Yuan, Y. Gutierrez-Barrera, A. Hortobagyi, GN. Litton, JK. Arun, BK. (2011), Effectiveness of alternating mammography and magnetic resonance imaging for screening women with deleterious BRCA mutations at high risk of breast cancer, Cancer, 17; 12. Liberman, L. (2004), Breast cancer screening with MR-what are the data for patients at high risk?, N Engl J Med, 351; 13. Magda, P. Dan, P. (2010), Cancerul de sân. Noţiuni de invesţigatie imagistică. Editura Veritas, Timisoara; 14. Mayrhofer, RM. Ng, HP1. Putti, TC2. Kuchel, PW3. (2013), Magnetic resonance in the detection of breast cancers of different histological types, Magn Reson Insights, 6; 15. McDonnell, CH. Seidenwurm, DJ. McDonnell, DE. Bobolis, KA. (2013), Self administered screening for hereditary cancers in conjunction with mammography and ultrasound, Fam Cancer, 4; 16. Mircea, I. Gheorge, N. (2007) Atlas de anatomie umană, Editura ştiinţifică şi enciclopedică, Bucureşti; 17. Murphy, CD. Lee, JM. Drohan, B. Euhus, DM. Kopans, DB. Gadd, MA. Rafferty, EA. Specht, MC. Smith, BL. Hughes, KS. (2008), The American Cancer Society guidelines for breast screening with magnetic resonance imaging: an argument for genetic testing, Cancer, 11; 18. Paci, E. Warwick, J. Falini, P. Duffy, SW. (2004), Overdiagnosis in screening: is the increase in breast cancer incidence rates a cause for concern?, J Med Screen, 11; 19. Pisano, ED. Gatsonis, C. Hendrick, E. Yaffe, M. Baum, JK. Acharyya, S. et al. (2005), Diagnostic performance of digital versus film mammography for breastcancer screening, N Engl J Med, 353; 20. Ray, D. Grumet, S. Lagmay-Fuentes, P. Jacob, L. Terzo, A. Puma, A. Hwang, S. (2014), Short-term outcomes of the implementation of a computer-based breast cancer risk assessment program during screening mammography, J Community Support Oncol, 12; 21. Robson, ME. Offit, K. (2004). Breast MRI for women with hereditary cancer risk. JAMA, 292; 22. Taylor, R. Supramaniam, R. Rickard, M. Estoesta, J. Moreira, C. (2002), Interval breast cancers in New South Wales, Australia, and comparisons with trials and other mammographic screening programmes, J Med Screen, 9; 23. Yaffe, M. (2004), What should the burden of proof be for acceptance of a new breast-cancer screening technique? Lancet, 364; 24. Youk, JH. Son, EJ. Gweon, HM. Kim, H. Park, YJ. Kim, JA. (2014) Comparison of Strain and Shear Wave Elastography for the Differentiation of Benign From Malignant BreastLesions, Combined With B-mode Ultrasonography: Qualitative and Quantitative Assessments, Ultrasound Med Biol, 26; 25. Zackrisson, S. Andersson, I. Janzon, L. Manjer, J. Garne, JP. (2006), Rate of over-diagnosis of breast cancer 15 years after end of Malmö mammographic screening trial: follow-up study. BMJ, 332; 26. Zahl, PH. Strand, BH. Maehlen, J. (2004), Incidence of breast cancer in Norway and Sweden during introduction of nationwide screening: prospective cohort study. BMJ, 328; |
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