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Authors: Dr. Ioana Elena Lile1, Dr. Ligia Vaida2, Dr. Paul Cornel Freiman1, Dr. Tiberiu Hosszu1, Dr. Tuturici Liviu1, Dr. Elisabeta Vasca1, Dr. Virgil Vasca1, Dr. SzekeresCatalena1, Dr. Onet Melinda1
Affiliation: 1Western University “Vasile Goldis” of Arad , Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine
2University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Dental Medicine II
Abstract: Plaque as ecosystem of the oral cavity has negative repercussions on the orodental health. Receiving feed-back or giving systematic instruction for a proper education in order to obtain a good oral health requires both the establishment of advice regarding its mechanical removal and the diet, which should be considered and included the contact between each patient with professionals, from the eruption of the first tooth in the mouth. The study was conducted on a group of students with the age range between 18-24 years, where we assessed the degree of dental plaque and we evaluated it by the Silness-Loe plaque index and index Quigley-Hein changed by Turesky. It has been made an education for a good oro-dental health in terms of mechanical and chemical techniques for removal of plaque through direct demonstration and practical means. At the end of the study we did a reassessment of oral health of the entire lot of patients. It was recorded a improvement in oral health, showing that a preventive behaviour, with recommendation from the professionals can bring dental health in optimal parameters
Keywords: dental plaque, tooth decay, periodontal disease, plaque indexes, revelators
References: Supawadee Naorungroj, Victor J. Schoenbach, James Beck, Thomas H. Mosley, Rebecca F. Gottesman, Alvaro Alonso, Gerardo Heiss, Gary D. Slade – Cross-sectional associations of oral health measures with cognitive function in late middle–aged adults – The Journal of the American Dental Association, Volume 144, Issue 12, Pages 1362–1371
Stewart, R, Hirani, V. Dental health and cognitive impairment in an English national survey population. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2007;55:1410–1414.
Noble, JM, Borrell, LN, Papapanou, PN, Elkind, MSV, Scarmeas, N, Wright, CB. Periodontitis is associated with cognitive impairment among older adults: analysis of NHANES-III. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2009;80:1206–1211.
Page, RC, Eke, PI. Case definitions for use in population-based surveillance of periodontitis. J Periodontol. 2007;78:1387–1399
Needleman I, Suvan J, Moles DR, Pimlott J. A systematic review of professional mechanical plaque removal for prevention of periodontal diseases. J Clin Periodontol 2005;32(suppl 6):229-282.
Dorri M, Sheiham A, Watt RG. Relationship between general hygiene behaviours and oral hygiene behaviours in Iranian adolescents. Eur J Oral Sci 2009;117(4):407-412.
Gerard J. Linden, Amy Lyons and Frank A. Scannapieco – Periodontal systemic associations: review of the evidence – Journal of Periodontology 2013, 84:4-s, S8-S19.
Jonathan M. Broadbent, W. Murray Thomson, John V. Boyens, Richie Poulton – Dental plaque and oral health during the first 32 years of life – The Journal of the American Dental Association, 2011, Vol. 142, Issue 4, p415–426
J. Timothy Wright, Nicholas Hanson, Helen Ristic, Clifford W. Whall, Cameron G. Estrich, Ronald R. Zentz – Fluoride toothpaste efficacy and safety in children younger than 6 years: A systematic review – The Journal of the American Dental Association, 2014, Vol. 145, Issue 2, p182–189
Read_full_article: pdf/vol19/iss2/1 JMA 2015 – Lile – PREVENTING-BEHAVIOR-IN-ORAL-HEALTHz.pdf

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Authors: Dr. Ioana Elena Lile1, Dr. Ligia Vaida2, Dr. Paul Cornel Freiman1, Dr. Tiberiu Hosszu1, Dr. Tuturici Liviu1, Dr. Elisabeta Vasca1, Dr. Virgil Vasca1, Dr. SzekeresCatalena1, Dr. Onet Melinda1
Affiliation: 1Western University “Vasile Goldis” of Arad , Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine
2University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Dental Medicine II
Abstract: Plaque as ecosystem of the oral cavity has negative repercussions on the orodental health. Receiving feed-back or giving systematic instruction for a proper education in order to obtain a good oral health requires both the establishment of advice regarding its mechanical removal and the diet, which should be considered and included the contact between each patient with professionals, from the eruption of the first tooth in the mouth. The study was conducted on a group of students with the age range between 18-24 years, where we assessed the degree of dental plaque and we evaluated it by the Silness-Loe plaque index and index Quigley-Hein changed by Turesky. It has been made an education for a good oro-dental health in terms of mechanical and chemical techniques for removal of plaque through direct demonstration and practical means. At the end of the study we did a reassessment of oral health of the entire lot of patients. It was recorded a improvement in oral health, showing that a preventive behaviour, with recommendation from the professionals can bring dental health in optimal parameters
Keywords: dental plaque, tooth decay, periodontal disease, plaque indexes, revelators
References: Supawadee Naorungroj, Victor J. Schoenbach, James Beck, Thomas H. Mosley, Rebecca F. Gottesman, Alvaro Alonso, Gerardo Heiss, Gary D. Slade – Cross-sectional associations of oral health measures with cognitive function in late middle–aged adults – The Journal of the American Dental Association, Volume 144, Issue 12, Pages 1362–1371
Stewart, R, Hirani, V. Dental health and cognitive impairment in an English national survey population. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2007;55:1410–1414.
Noble, JM, Borrell, LN, Papapanou, PN, Elkind, MSV, Scarmeas, N, Wright, CB. Periodontitis is associated with cognitive impairment among older adults: analysis of NHANES-III. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2009;80:1206–1211.
Page, RC, Eke, PI. Case definitions for use in population-based surveillance of periodontitis. J Periodontol. 2007;78:1387–1399
Needleman I, Suvan J, Moles DR, Pimlott J. A systematic review of professional mechanical plaque removal for prevention of periodontal diseases. J Clin Periodontol 2005;32(suppl 6):229-282.
Dorri M, Sheiham A, Watt RG. Relationship between general hygiene behaviours and oral hygiene behaviours in Iranian adolescents. Eur J Oral Sci 2009;117(4):407-412.
Gerard J. Linden, Amy Lyons and Frank A. Scannapieco – Periodontal systemic associations: review of the evidence – Journal of Periodontology 2013, 84:4-s, S8-S19.
Jonathan M. Broadbent, W. Murray Thomson, John V. Boyens, Richie Poulton – Dental plaque and oral health during the first 32 years of life – The Journal of the American Dental Association, 2011, Vol. 142, Issue 4, p415–426
J. Timothy Wright, Nicholas Hanson, Helen Ristic, Clifford W. Whall, Cameron G. Estrich, Ronald R. Zentz – Fluoride toothpaste efficacy and safety in children younger than 6 years: A systematic review – The Journal of the American Dental Association, 2014, Vol. 145, Issue 2, p182–189