Pharmacology of Silybum marianum and its active constituents. Therapeutic activity – part 2
March 31, 2012
Pharmacology of Silybum marianum and its active constituents. Therapeutic activity – part 2
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Title: | Pharmacology of Silybum marianum and its active constituents. Therapeutic activity – part 2 |
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Article_Title: | Pharmacology of Silybum marianum and its active constituents. Therapeutic activity – part 2 |
Authors: | Hildegard Herman1, Luminita Pilat2, Ciprian Mihali1, Cristina Popescu1, Violeta Turcus3, Aurel Ardelean3, Ardelean Gavril3, Teodora Mariasiu2, Calin Popa2, Anca Hermenean1,2* |
Affiliation: | 1“Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Institute of Life Sciences, Arad, Romania 2“Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, Arad, Romania 3“Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Arad, Romania |
Abstract: | Silymarin, a flavonolignan from ‘milk thistle’ (Sylibum marianum) plant is used from ancient times as a hepatoprotective drug. Along the hepatoprotective action silymarin owns also other actions as antioxidant, antilipid peroxidative, antifibrotic, anti-inflamatory, immunomodulatory, liver regenerating, etc. In Part 1 of this article we reviewed the milk thistle’s benefic effects in gastrointestinal disorders and its antitumoral activities. Part 2 covers other applications of sylimarin such as antioxidant, antiinflamatory agent, nephroprotector, radiation and skin protector. It was also studied its neuro-psihiatric and cardiac action. |
Keywords: | silymarin, oxidative stress, antioxidant, neuroprotection, T cell activation |
References: | Abbasi BH, Khan MA, Mahmood T, Ahmad M, Chaudhary MF, Shoot regeneration and free-radical scavenging activity in Silybum marianum L. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult, 101, 371–376, 2010. Ahmadi-Ashtiani H, Allameh A, Rastegar H, Soleimani M, Barkhordari E, Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 and inducible nitric oxide synthase by silymarin in proliferating mesenchymal stem cells: comparison with glutathione modifiers. J Nat Med, 66, 85–94, 2012. Altorjay I, Dalmi L, Sári B, Imre S, Balla G, The effect of silibinin (Legalon) on the free radical scavenger mechanisms of human erythrocytes in vitro, Acta Physiol. Hung., 80, 375–380, 1992. Au AY, Hasenwinkel JM, Frondoza CG, Silybin inhibits interleukin-1b-induced production of pro-inflammatory mediators in canine hepatocyte cultures. J.Vet.Pharmacol.Therap, 34, 120-129, 2010. Baluchnejadmojarad T, Neuroprotective effect of silymarin in 6-hydroxydopamine hemi-parkinsonian rat: Involvement of estrogen receptors and oxidative stress. Neuroscience Letters, 480, 206-210, 2010. Becker Schiebe M, Mengs U, Schafer M, Bulitta M, Hoffman W, Topical use of sylimarin-based preparation to prevent radiodermatitis. Stahlenther Onkol., 8, 485-491, 2011. Bosisio E, Benelli C, Pirola O, Effect of the flavanolignans of Silybum marianum L. on lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes and freshly isolated hepatocytes. Pharmacol Res, 25, 147–54, 1992. Chauhan V, Chauhan A, Oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s disease. Pathophysiology, 13, 195–208, 2006. Chtourou Y, Fetoui H, Sefi M, Trabelsi K, Barkallahm M, Boudawara T, Kallei H, Zeghal N, Silymarin, a natural antioxidant, protects cerebral cortex against manganese-induced neurotoxicity in adult rats. Biometals, 23, 985-996, 2010. Fu H, Katsumura Y, Lin M, Hata K, Muroya Y, Hatano Y, Fast Repair Activities Towards dgmp Hydroxyl Radical Adducts by Silybin and its Analogues, J. Radiat. Res., 49, 609–614, 2008. Fu H, Lin M, Katsumura Y, Yokoya A, Hata K, Muroya Y, Fujii K, Shikazono N, Protective effects of silybin and analogues against X-ray radiation –induced damage. Acta Biochim Sin, 42, 489-495, 2010. Galhardi F, Mesquita K, Monserrat JM, Barros DM, Effect of silymarin on biochemical parameters of oxidative stress in aged and young rat brain, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47, 2655–2660, 2009. Garagozloo M, Velardi E, Bruscoli S, Agostini M, Sante MD, Donato V, Amirghofran Z, Riccardi C, Silymarin suppress CD+T cell activation and proliferation: Effects on NF-kB activity and IL-2 production. Pharmacological Research, 61, 405- 409, 2010. Gažák R, Sedmera P, Vrbacký M, Vostálová J, Drahota Z, Marhol P, Walterová D, Křen V, Molecular mechanisms of silybin and 2,3-dehydrosilybin antiradical activity—role of individual hydroxyl groups. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 46, 745– 758, 2009. Gazak R, Svobodova A, Psotova J, Sedmera P, Prikrylova V, Walterova V, Kren V, Oxidised derivatives of silybin and their antiradical and antioxidant activity. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 12, 5677–5687, 2004. Hou YC, Liou TK, Chern CM, Wang YH, Liao JF, Chang S, Cho YH, Shen YC, Preventive effect of silymarin in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion-induced brain injury in rats possibly through impairing NF-kB and STAT-1 activation. Phytomedicine, 17, 963-973, 2010. Huang KX, Gong JX, Xiong W, Yang LX, Wang F, Tao QF, Wu YH, Li XK, Stöckigt J, Zhao Y, Qu J, Preparation of silybin 23-esters and evaluation of their inhibitory ability against LPO and DNA protective properties. Chinese Chemical Letters, 20, 1030–1033, 2009. Huber A, Thongphasuk P, Erben G, Lehman WD, Tuma S, Stremmel W, Chamulitrat W, Significantly greater antioxidant anticancer activities of 2,3-dehydrosilybin than silybin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1780, 837–847, 2008. Jones D, Redefining oxidative stress. Antiox. Redox Signal 8, 1865–1879, 2006. Kang JS, Yoon WK, Han M, Lee H, Lee CW, Lee KH, Han SB, Lee K, Yang KH, Park SK, Kim HM, Inhibition of atopic dermatitis by topical application of silymarin in NC/Nga mice. International Immunopharmacology, 8, 1475-1480, 2008. Katiyar SK, Korman NJ, Mukhtar H, Agarwal R, Protective effects of silymarin against photocarcinogenesis in a mouse skin model. J.Natl. Cancer Inst, 89, 556-566, 1997. Katiyar SK, Mantena SK, Meeran SM, Sylimarin protects epidermal keratinocytes from ultraviolet radiationinduced apoptosis and DNA damage by nucleotide excision repair mechanism, Plos One, vol.6, no.6, 11 pages, 2011. Katiyar SK, Meleth S, Sharma SD, Silymarin, a flavonoid from milk thistle (Silybum marianum L.), inhibits UV-induced oxidative stress through targeting infiltrating CD11b+ cells in mouse skin. Photochem Photobiol 84, 266–271, 2008. Katiyar SK, Treatment of sylimarin, a plant flavonoid, prevents ultraviolet light-induced immune suppression and oxidative stress in mouse skin. Int. J. Oncol, 21, 1213-1222, 2010. Kaur G, Athar M, Alam MS, Dietary supplementation of silymarin protects against chemically induced nephorotxicity, inflammation and renal tumor promotion response. Invest. New Drugs, 28, 703- 713, 2010. Kim S, Choi MG, Lee H, Lee SK, Kim SH, Kim WW, Hur SM, Kim JH, Choe JH, Nam SJ, Yang JH, Kim S, Lee JE, Kim JS, Silibinin suppresses TNF-a induced MMP-9 expression in gastric cancer cells through inhibition of the MAPK Pathway. Molecules, 14, 4301-4310, 2009. Kravchenko LV, Morozov SV, Tutel’yan VA, Effects of flavonoids on the resistance of microsomes to lipid peroxidation in vitro and ex vivo. Bull Exp Biol Med, 136, 572–575, 2003. Lahiri-Chatterjee M, Katiyar SK, Mohan RR et al., A flavonoid antioxidant, silymarin, affords exceptionally high protection against tumor promotion in SENCAR mouse skin tumorigenesis model. Cancer Res, 59, 622-32, 1999. Li L, Gao Y, Zhang L, Zeng J, He D, Sun Y, Silibinin inhibits cell growth and induces apoptosis by caspase activation, down-regulating surviving and blocking EGFR_ERK activation in renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Letters, 272, 61-69, 2008. Ligeret H, Brault A, Vallerand D, Haddada Y, Haddad PS, Antioxidant and mitochondrial protective effects of silibinin in cold preservation–warm reperfusion liver injury. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 115, 507–514, 2008. Lu P, Mamiya T, Lu L, Mouri A, Niwa M, Kim HC, Zou LB, Nagai T, Yamada K, Ikejima T, Nabeshima T, Silibinin attenuates cognitive deficits and decreases of dopamine and serotonin induced by repeated methamphetamine treatment. Behavioural Brain Research, 207, 387-393, 2010. Lu P, Mamiya T, Lu LL, Mouri A, Zou LB, Nagai T, Hiramatsu M, Ikejima T, Nabeshima T, Silibinin prevents amyloid b peptide-induced memory impairment and oxidative stress in mice. British Journal of Pharmacology, 157, 1270-1277, 2009. Malekinejad H, Taheri-Broujerdi M, Moradi M, Tabatabaie SH, Silymarin potentiated the antinociceptive effect of morphine in mice. Phytotherapy Research, 25, 250-255, 2011. Mandelker L, Oxidative Stress, Free Radicals, and Cellular Damage. Studies on Veterinary Medicine, Oxidative Stress in Applied Basic Research and Clinical Practice, 5, 2011 Manna SK, Mukhopadhyay A, Van NT, Aggarwal BB, Silymarin suppresses TNF induced activation of NF-kappa B, c-Jun N-terminal kinase and apoptosis. J Immunol, 163, 6800–6809, 1999. Marrazzo G, Bosco P, Delia FL, Scapagnini G, Giacomo CD, Malagurnera M, Balvano F, Nicolosi A, Volti GL, Neuroprotective effect of silibinin in diabetic mice. Neuroscience Letters, 504, 252-256, 2011. Murata N, Murakami K, Ozawa Y, Kinoshita N, Irie K, Shirasawa T, Shimizu T, Silymarin attenuated the amyloid b plaque burden and improved behavioral abnormalities in an Alzheimer disease mouse model. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem, 74(11), 2299- 2306, 2010. Nazemian F, Karimi G, Moatamedi M, Charkazi S, Shamsara J, Mohammadpor AH, Effect of Sylimarin administration on TNF-a serum concentration in peritoneal dialysis. Phytotherapy Research, 24, 1654-1657, 2010. Nencini C, Giorgi G, Micheli L, Protective effect of silymarin on oxidative stress in rat brain. Phytomedicine, 14, 129–135, 2007. Prabhaba T., Amit K, Manjoor A, Mishara KP, Radioprotection of plasmid and cellular DNA and Swiss mice by silibinin, Mutation research, 695, 55- 60, 2010. Raskovic A, Stilinovic N, Kolarovic J, Vasovic V, Vukmirovic S, Mikov M, The protective effects of Silymarin against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity and hepatotoxicity in rats. Molecules, 16, 8601-8613, 2011. Rauen U, de Groot H, Cold-induced release of reactive oxygen species as a decisive mediator of hypothermia injury to cultured liver cells. Free Radic Biol Med, 24, 1316–23, 1998. Raza SS, Khan MM, Ashafaq M, Ahmad A, Khuwaja G, Khan A, Siddiqui S, Safhi M, Islam F, Silymarin protects neurons from oxidative stress associated damages in focal cerebral ischemia: A behavioral, biochemical and immunohistological study in Wistar rats. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 309, 45–54, 2011. Sangeetha N, Aranganathan S, Nalini N, Silibinin ameliorates oxidative stress induced aberrant crypt foci and lipid peroxidation in 1, 2 dimethylhydrazine induced rat colon cancer. Invest New Drugs, 28, 225–233, 2010. Sayyah M, Boostani H, Pakseresht S, Malayeri A, Comparison of Silybum marianum (L) Gertn with fluoxetine in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 34, 362-365, 2010. Shaker E, Mahmoud H, Mnaa S, Silymarin, the antioxidant component and Silybum marianum extracts prevent liver damage. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48, 803–806, 2010. Shitany NAE, El-Haggar S, El-Desoky K, Silymarin prevents Adriamycin-induced cardiotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in rats. Food and chemical toxicology, 46, 2422-2428, 2008. Singh RP, Agarwal R, Flavonoid antioxidant silymarin and skin cancer. Antioxid Redox Signal, 4, 655-63, 2002. Singh RP, Agarwal R., Cosmeceuticals and silibinin. Clinics in Dermatology, 27, 479-484, 2009. Singhal NK, Srivastava G, Patel DK, Jain SK, Singh MP. Melatonin or silymarin reduces maneb- and paraquat-induced Parkinson’s disease phenotype in the mouse. J Pineal Res, 50, 97–109, 2011. Soto C, Perez J, Garcia V, Uria E, Vadillo M, Raya L, Effect of silymarin on kidneys of rats suffering from alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus. Phytomedicine, 17, 1090-1094, 2010. Tsai MJ, Liao JF, Lin DY, Huang MC, Liou DY, Yang HC, Lee HJ, Chen YT, Chi CW, Huang WC, Cheng H, Silymarin protects spinal cord and cortical cells against oxidative stress and lipopolysaccharide stimulation. Neurochemistry International, 57, 867- 875, 2010. Valenzuela A, Aspillaga M, Vial S, Guerra R, Selectivity of silymarin on the increase of the glutathione content in different tissues of the rat. Planta Med, 55, 420–2, 1989. Valenzuela A, Guerra R, Protective effect of the flavonoid silybin dihemisuccinate on the toxicity of phenylhydrazine on rat liver. FEBS Lett., 181, 291–294, 1985. Wu CH, Huang SM, Yen GC, Silymarin: a novel antioxidant with antiglycation and anti-inflammatory properties in vitro and in vivo. Antioxidants&Redox signaling, vol.14, no.3, 2011 Yin F, Liu J, Ji X, Wang Y, Zidichouski J, Zhang J, Silibinin: A novel inhibitor of Ab aggregation. Neurochemistry International, 58, 399-403, 2011. Yoo HG, Jung SN, Hwang YS, Park JS, Kim MH, Jeong M, Ahn SJ, Ahn BW, Shin BA, Park RK, Jung YD, Involvement of NF-kappab and caspases in silibinin-induced apoptosis of endothelial cells. Int J Mol Med, 13, 81–86, 2004. |
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Correspondence: | Anca Hermenean, “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Institute of Life Sciences, no. 86 Liviu Rebreanu St., 310414, Arad, Romania, Tel. +40257212111, Fax. +40257212111, email: |
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Article Title: | Pharmacology of Silybum marianum and its active constituents. Therapeutic activity – part 2 |
Authors: | Hildegard Herman1, Luminita Pilat2, Ciprian Mihali1, Cristina Popescu1, Violeta Turcus3, Aurel Ardelean3, Ardelean Gavril3, Teodora Mariasiu2, Calin Popa2, Anca Hermenean1,2* |
Affiliation: | 1“Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Institute of Life Sciences, Arad, Romania 2“Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, Arad, Romania 3“Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Arad, Romania |
Abstract: | Silymarin, a flavonolignan from ‘milk thistle’ (Sylibum marianum) plant is used from ancient times as a hepatoprotective drug. Along the hepatoprotective action silymarin owns also other actions as antioxidant, antilipid peroxidative, antifibrotic, anti-inflamatory, immunomodulatory, liver regenerating, etc. In Part 1 of this article we reviewed the milk thistle’s benefic effects in gastrointestinal disorders and its antitumoral activities. Part 2 covers other applications of sylimarin such as antioxidant, antiinflamatory agent, nephroprotector, radiation and skin protector. It was also studied its neuro-psihiatric and cardiac action. |
Keywords: | silymarin, oxidative stress, antioxidant, neuroprotection, T cell activation |
References: | Abbasi BH, Khan MA, Mahmood T, Ahmad M, Chaudhary MF, Shoot regeneration and free-radical scavenging activity in Silybum marianum L. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult, 101, 371–376, 2010. Ahmadi-Ashtiani H, Allameh A, Rastegar H, Soleimani M, Barkhordari E, Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 and inducible nitric oxide synthase by silymarin in proliferating mesenchymal stem cells: comparison with glutathione modifiers. J Nat Med, 66, 85–94, 2012. Altorjay I, Dalmi L, Sári B, Imre S, Balla G, The effect of silibinin (Legalon) on the free radical scavenger mechanisms of human erythrocytes in vitro, Acta Physiol. Hung., 80, 375–380, 1992. Au AY, Hasenwinkel JM, Frondoza CG, Silybin inhibits interleukin-1b-induced production of pro-inflammatory mediators in canine hepatocyte cultures. J.Vet.Pharmacol.Therap, 34, 120-129, 2010. Baluchnejadmojarad T, Neuroprotective effect of silymarin in 6-hydroxydopamine hemi-parkinsonian rat: Involvement of estrogen receptors and oxidative stress. Neuroscience Letters, 480, 206-210, 2010. Becker Schiebe M, Mengs U, Schafer M, Bulitta M, Hoffman W, Topical use of sylimarin-based preparation to prevent radiodermatitis. Stahlenther Onkol., 8, 485-491, 2011. Bosisio E, Benelli C, Pirola O, Effect of the flavanolignans of Silybum marianum L. on lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes and freshly isolated hepatocytes. Pharmacol Res, 25, 147–54, 1992. Chauhan V, Chauhan A, Oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s disease. Pathophysiology, 13, 195–208, 2006. Chtourou Y, Fetoui H, Sefi M, Trabelsi K, Barkallahm M, Boudawara T, Kallei H, Zeghal N, Silymarin, a natural antioxidant, protects cerebral cortex against manganese-induced neurotoxicity in adult rats. Biometals, 23, 985-996, 2010. Fu H, Katsumura Y, Lin M, Hata K, Muroya Y, Hatano Y, Fast Repair Activities Towards dgmp Hydroxyl Radical Adducts by Silybin and its Analogues, J. Radiat. Res., 49, 609–614, 2008. Fu H, Lin M, Katsumura Y, Yokoya A, Hata K, Muroya Y, Fujii K, Shikazono N, Protective effects of silybin and analogues against X-ray radiation –induced damage. Acta Biochim Sin, 42, 489-495, 2010. Galhardi F, Mesquita K, Monserrat JM, Barros DM, Effect of silymarin on biochemical parameters of oxidative stress in aged and young rat brain, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47, 2655–2660, 2009. Garagozloo M, Velardi E, Bruscoli S, Agostini M, Sante MD, Donato V, Amirghofran Z, Riccardi C, Silymarin suppress CD+T cell activation and proliferation: Effects on NF-kB activity and IL-2 production. Pharmacological Research, 61, 405- 409, 2010. Gažák R, Sedmera P, Vrbacký M, Vostálová J, Drahota Z, Marhol P, Walterová D, Křen V, Molecular mechanisms of silybin and 2,3-dehydrosilybin antiradical activity—role of individual hydroxyl groups. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 46, 745– 758, 2009. Gazak R, Svobodova A, Psotova J, Sedmera P, Prikrylova V, Walterova V, Kren V, Oxidised derivatives of silybin and their antiradical and antioxidant activity. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 12, 5677–5687, 2004. Hou YC, Liou TK, Chern CM, Wang YH, Liao JF, Chang S, Cho YH, Shen YC, Preventive effect of silymarin in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion-induced brain injury in rats possibly through impairing NF-kB and STAT-1 activation. Phytomedicine, 17, 963-973, 2010. Huang KX, Gong JX, Xiong W, Yang LX, Wang F, Tao QF, Wu YH, Li XK, Stöckigt J, Zhao Y, Qu J, Preparation of silybin 23-esters and evaluation of their inhibitory ability against LPO and DNA protective properties. Chinese Chemical Letters, 20, 1030–1033, 2009. Huber A, Thongphasuk P, Erben G, Lehman WD, Tuma S, Stremmel W, Chamulitrat W, Significantly greater antioxidant anticancer activities of 2,3-dehydrosilybin than silybin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1780, 837–847, 2008. Jones D, Redefining oxidative stress. Antiox. Redox Signal 8, 1865–1879, 2006. Kang JS, Yoon WK, Han M, Lee H, Lee CW, Lee KH, Han SB, Lee K, Yang KH, Park SK, Kim HM, Inhibition of atopic dermatitis by topical application of silymarin in NC/Nga mice. International Immunopharmacology, 8, 1475-1480, 2008. Katiyar SK, Korman NJ, Mukhtar H, Agarwal R, Protective effects of silymarin against photocarcinogenesis in a mouse skin model. J.Natl. Cancer Inst, 89, 556-566, 1997. Katiyar SK, Mantena SK, Meeran SM, Sylimarin protects epidermal keratinocytes from ultraviolet radiationinduced apoptosis and DNA damage by nucleotide excision repair mechanism, Plos One, vol.6, no.6, 11 pages, 2011. Katiyar SK, Meleth S, Sharma SD, Silymarin, a flavonoid from milk thistle (Silybum marianum L.), inhibits UV-induced oxidative stress through targeting infiltrating CD11b+ cells in mouse skin. Photochem Photobiol 84, 266–271, 2008. Katiyar SK, Treatment of sylimarin, a plant flavonoid, prevents ultraviolet light-induced immune suppression and oxidative stress in mouse skin. Int. J. Oncol, 21, 1213-1222, 2010. Kaur G, Athar M, Alam MS, Dietary supplementation of silymarin protects against chemically induced nephorotxicity, inflammation and renal tumor promotion response. Invest. New Drugs, 28, 703- 713, 2010. Kim S, Choi MG, Lee H, Lee SK, Kim SH, Kim WW, Hur SM, Kim JH, Choe JH, Nam SJ, Yang JH, Kim S, Lee JE, Kim JS, Silibinin suppresses TNF-a induced MMP-9 expression in gastric cancer cells through inhibition of the MAPK Pathway. Molecules, 14, 4301-4310, 2009. Kravchenko LV, Morozov SV, Tutel’yan VA, Effects of flavonoids on the resistance of microsomes to lipid peroxidation in vitro and ex vivo. Bull Exp Biol Med, 136, 572–575, 2003. Lahiri-Chatterjee M, Katiyar SK, Mohan RR et al., A flavonoid antioxidant, silymarin, affords exceptionally high protection against tumor promotion in SENCAR mouse skin tumorigenesis model. Cancer Res, 59, 622-32, 1999. Li L, Gao Y, Zhang L, Zeng J, He D, Sun Y, Silibinin inhibits cell growth and induces apoptosis by caspase activation, down-regulating surviving and blocking EGFR_ERK activation in renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Letters, 272, 61-69, 2008. Ligeret H, Brault A, Vallerand D, Haddada Y, Haddad PS, Antioxidant and mitochondrial protective effects of silibinin in cold preservation–warm reperfusion liver injury. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 115, 507–514, 2008. Lu P, Mamiya T, Lu L, Mouri A, Niwa M, Kim HC, Zou LB, Nagai T, Yamada K, Ikejima T, Nabeshima T, Silibinin attenuates cognitive deficits and decreases of dopamine and serotonin induced by repeated methamphetamine treatment. Behavioural Brain Research, 207, 387-393, 2010. Lu P, Mamiya T, Lu LL, Mouri A, Zou LB, Nagai T, Hiramatsu M, Ikejima T, Nabeshima T, Silibinin prevents amyloid b peptide-induced memory impairment and oxidative stress in mice. British Journal of Pharmacology, 157, 1270-1277, 2009. Malekinejad H, Taheri-Broujerdi M, Moradi M, Tabatabaie SH, Silymarin potentiated the antinociceptive effect of morphine in mice. Phytotherapy Research, 25, 250-255, 2011. Mandelker L, Oxidative Stress, Free Radicals, and Cellular Damage. Studies on Veterinary Medicine, Oxidative Stress in Applied Basic Research and Clinical Practice, 5, 2011 Manna SK, Mukhopadhyay A, Van NT, Aggarwal BB, Silymarin suppresses TNF induced activation of NF-kappa B, c-Jun N-terminal kinase and apoptosis. J Immunol, 163, 6800–6809, 1999. Marrazzo G, Bosco P, Delia FL, Scapagnini G, Giacomo CD, Malagurnera M, Balvano F, Nicolosi A, Volti GL, Neuroprotective effect of silibinin in diabetic mice. Neuroscience Letters, 504, 252-256, 2011. Murata N, Murakami K, Ozawa Y, Kinoshita N, Irie K, Shirasawa T, Shimizu T, Silymarin attenuated the amyloid b plaque burden and improved behavioral abnormalities in an Alzheimer disease mouse model. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem, 74(11), 2299- 2306, 2010. Nazemian F, Karimi G, Moatamedi M, Charkazi S, Shamsara J, Mohammadpor AH, Effect of Sylimarin administration on TNF-a serum concentration in peritoneal dialysis. Phytotherapy Research, 24, 1654-1657, 2010. Nencini C, Giorgi G, Micheli L, Protective effect of silymarin on oxidative stress in rat brain. Phytomedicine, 14, 129–135, 2007. Prabhaba T., Amit K, Manjoor A, Mishara KP, Radioprotection of plasmid and cellular DNA and Swiss mice by silibinin, Mutation research, 695, 55- 60, 2010. Raskovic A, Stilinovic N, Kolarovic J, Vasovic V, Vukmirovic S, Mikov M, The protective effects of Silymarin against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity and hepatotoxicity in rats. Molecules, 16, 8601-8613, 2011. Rauen U, de Groot H, Cold-induced release of reactive oxygen species as a decisive mediator of hypothermia injury to cultured liver cells. Free Radic Biol Med, 24, 1316–23, 1998. Raza SS, Khan MM, Ashafaq M, Ahmad A, Khuwaja G, Khan A, Siddiqui S, Safhi M, Islam F, Silymarin protects neurons from oxidative stress associated damages in focal cerebral ischemia: A behavioral, biochemical and immunohistological study in Wistar rats. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 309, 45–54, 2011. Sangeetha N, Aranganathan S, Nalini N, Silibinin ameliorates oxidative stress induced aberrant crypt foci and lipid peroxidation in 1, 2 dimethylhydrazine induced rat colon cancer. Invest New Drugs, 28, 225–233, 2010. Sayyah M, Boostani H, Pakseresht S, Malayeri A, Comparison of Silybum marianum (L) Gertn with fluoxetine in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 34, 362-365, 2010. Shaker E, Mahmoud H, Mnaa S, Silymarin, the antioxidant component and Silybum marianum extracts prevent liver damage. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48, 803–806, 2010. Shitany NAE, El-Haggar S, El-Desoky K, Silymarin prevents Adriamycin-induced cardiotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in rats. Food and chemical toxicology, 46, 2422-2428, 2008. Singh RP, Agarwal R, Flavonoid antioxidant silymarin and skin cancer. Antioxid Redox Signal, 4, 655-63, 2002. Singh RP, Agarwal R., Cosmeceuticals and silibinin. Clinics in Dermatology, 27, 479-484, 2009. Singhal NK, Srivastava G, Patel DK, Jain SK, Singh MP. Melatonin or silymarin reduces maneb- and paraquat-induced Parkinson’s disease phenotype in the mouse. J Pineal Res, 50, 97–109, 2011. Soto C, Perez J, Garcia V, Uria E, Vadillo M, Raya L, Effect of silymarin on kidneys of rats suffering from alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus. Phytomedicine, 17, 1090-1094, 2010. Tsai MJ, Liao JF, Lin DY, Huang MC, Liou DY, Yang HC, Lee HJ, Chen YT, Chi CW, Huang WC, Cheng H, Silymarin protects spinal cord and cortical cells against oxidative stress and lipopolysaccharide stimulation. Neurochemistry International, 57, 867- 875, 2010. Valenzuela A, Aspillaga M, Vial S, Guerra R, Selectivity of silymarin on the increase of the glutathione content in different tissues of the rat. Planta Med, 55, 420–2, 1989. Valenzuela A, Guerra R, Protective effect of the flavonoid silybin dihemisuccinate on the toxicity of phenylhydrazine on rat liver. FEBS Lett., 181, 291–294, 1985. Wu CH, Huang SM, Yen GC, Silymarin: a novel antioxidant with antiglycation and anti-inflammatory properties in vitro and in vivo. Antioxidants&Redox signaling, vol.14, no.3, 2011 Yin F, Liu J, Ji X, Wang Y, Zidichouski J, Zhang J, Silibinin: A novel inhibitor of Ab aggregation. Neurochemistry International, 58, 399-403, 2011. Yoo HG, Jung SN, Hwang YS, Park JS, Kim MH, Jeong M, Ahn SJ, Ahn BW, Shin BA, Park RK, Jung YD, Involvement of NF-kappab and caspases in silibinin-induced apoptosis of endothelial cells. Int J Mol Med, 13, 81–86, 2004. |
*Correspondence: | Anca Hermenean, “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Institute of Life Sciences, no. 86 Liviu Rebreanu St., 310414, Arad, Romania, Tel. +40257212111, Fax. +40257212111, email: |