Nance – Eva appliance, applicability, recommendations

Nance – Eva appliance, applicability, recommendations

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Article_Title: Nance – Eva appliance, applicability, recommendations
Authors: Onet M, Szekeres C, HosszuT, Marian A, Elisei G, Lile I
Abstract: This appliance is used in case of deep bites, for levelling the occlusal plane, curve of Spee. The essence of this article is to show by clinical examples how easy it is to use, how the patient puts up with it and how well and fast the treatment evolves especially for a younger patient. We have to notice the comfort of the patient, the steadiness of the appliance, namely that he does not have to worry that the appliance might get loose (as for the uplifting composites applied on the palatal sides of the maxillary cutting teeth). The period of action in the oral cavity is of 3-6 months.
References: 1.Graber/Schwain, – Grundlagen und moderne Techniken der Kieferorthopaedie, Quintessennz Verlags – GmbH 1989
2.Frans PGM van der Linden – Orthodontic Concepts and strategies, Quintessennz Publishing Co Ltd 2004
Read_full_article: pdf/vol17/iss1-4/6 JMA 2014 Nanceapplicability.pdf

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Article Title: Nance – Eva appliance, applicability, recommendations
Authors: Onet M, Szekeres C, HosszuT, Marian A, Elisei G, Lile I
Abstract: This appliance is used in case of deep bites, for levelling the occlusal plane, curve of Spee. The essence of this article is to show by clinical examples how easy it is to use, how the patient puts up with it and how well and fast the treatment evolves especially for a younger patient. We have to notice the comfort of the patient, the steadiness of the appliance, namely that he does not have to worry that the appliance might get loose (as for the uplifting composites applied on the palatal sides of the maxillary cutting teeth). The period of action in the oral cavity is of 3-6 months.
References: 1.Graber/Schwain, – Grundlagen und moderne Techniken der Kieferorthopaedie, Quintessennz Verlags – GmbH 1989
2.Frans PGM van der Linden – Orthodontic Concepts and strategies, Quintessennz Publishing Co Ltd 2004