Introduction to electroforming
Introduction to electroforming
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Article_Title: | Introduction to electroforming |
Authors: | Lecturer Liviu Gavrilă Ardelean, PhD, lecturer Paul Freiman, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Valeria Covrig, PhD, Assist. Paul Ţica, PhD student |
Affiliation: | “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad Faculty of Medicine Pharmacy and Dental Medicine |
Abstract: | Electroforming can be defined as an industrial technology for making metal pieces by electrolytic deposition of metallic layers of varying thickness, followed by the removal of the substrate and the exclusive preservation of the newly formed piece. In English, the term ‘electroforming’ is used exclusively, regardless of the technological field, while in German the term ‘galvanoforming’ is mainly utilized. In Romanian, an equivalent term is ‘galvanoplastie’ (galvanoplasty/electrotyping), but its meaning prevalently refers to the obtainment of other pieces, such as working models.The re-launch of gold-based electroforming as a technological procedure, by Rogers and later by Wismann, by developing non-toxic sulfite electrolytes, resulted in its use in fixed prosthodontics, especially in the field of unidental prostheses. |
Keywords: | galvanoforming, electroplating, electroforming, electrolyte. |
References: | 1.Bratu D., Ieremia L., Uram-Ţuculescu S. – Bazele clinice şi tehnice ale protezării totale. Editura Imprimeriei de Vest, Timişoara, 2003 2. Gavrilă Ardelean L. – Tehnici şi tehnologii noi în protezarea edentaţiei totale. Teză de doctorat, 2008 3. Gavrilă Ardelean L., Bratu D. – Protezarea edentaţiei totale. Editura Waldpress, Timişoara, 2012 4. Rogers OW – The dental application of electroformed pure gold. I. Porcelain jacket crown technique. Aust Dent J. Jun;24(3):163-70. 1979 5. Rogers OW, Armstrong BW – Electroforming a gald matrix for indirect inlays. J Prosth Dent 11, 5, p. 959-966, 1961 6. Setz J, Diehl J,Weber H – Der Randschluβ zementierter galvano-keramischer Kronen. Die Quintessenz 40, 8, p. 1439-1445, 1989 |
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Article Title: | Introduction to electroforming |
Authors: | Lecturer Liviu Gavrilă Ardelean, PhD, lecturer Paul Freiman, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Valeria Covrig, PhD, Assist. Paul Ţica, PhD student |
Affiliation: | “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad Faculty of Medicine Pharmacy and Dental Medicine |
Abstract: | Electroforming can be defined as an industrial technology for making metal pieces by electrolytic deposition of metallic layers of varying thickness, followed by the removal of the substrate and the exclusive preservation of the newly formed piece. In English, the term ‘electroforming’ is used exclusively, regardless of the technological field, while in German the term ‘galvanoforming’ is mainly utilized. In Romanian, an equivalent term is ‘galvanoplastie’ (galvanoplasty/electrotyping), but its meaning prevalently refers to the obtainment of other pieces, such as working models.The re-launch of gold-based electroforming as a technological procedure, by Rogers and later by Wismann, by developing non-toxic sulfite electrolytes, resulted in its use in fixed prosthodontics, especially in the field of unidental prostheses. |
Keywords: | galvanoforming, electroplating, electroforming, electrolyte. |
References: | 1.Bratu D., Ieremia L., Uram-Ţuculescu S. – Bazele clinice şi tehnice ale protezării totale. Editura Imprimeriei de Vest, Timişoara, 2003 2. Gavrilă Ardelean L. – Tehnici şi tehnologii noi în protezarea edentaţiei totale. Teză de doctorat, 2008 3. Gavrilă Ardelean L., Bratu D. – Protezarea edentaţiei totale. Editura Waldpress, Timişoara, 2012 4. Rogers OW – The dental application of electroformed pure gold. I. Porcelain jacket crown technique. Aust Dent J. Jun;24(3):163-70. 1979 5. Rogers OW, Armstrong BW – Electroforming a gald matrix for indirect inlays. J Prosth Dent 11, 5, p. 959-966, 1961 6. Setz J, Diehl J,Weber H – Der Randschluβ zementierter galvano-keramischer Kronen. Die Quintessenz 40, 8, p. 1439-1445, 1989 |
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