August 7, 2019
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Authors: | Ana-Liana Tataru 1, 2, Loredana Marc1, 2, Alexandru Marius Furău1,3, Voicu Dașcău1, 2, Casiana Boru1, 2, Roxana Livia Furău1, Cristian George Furău1, 2, Afilon Jompan1 |
Affiliation: | 1 “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Arad, Romania 2Arad County Clinical Hospital, department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Romania 3Arad County Clinical Hospital, department of Oncology, Romania |
Abstract: | Regarding cervical cancer mortality Romania is in the first place and in the second one, after Bulgaria, at the incidence of this pathology. Cervical cancer can be prevented through vaccination, Babeș-Papanicolaou smear and HPV DNA typing, to identify precancerous lesions. A retrospective study has been done during 1957-2017 in Arad County, to identify the mortality and morbidity from cervical cancer. The sample included all the registered cases in the Oncology Department and treated in the Obstetrics-Gynecology Department, in the studied period. Statistical data and the graphics and charts have been analyzed and drawn with Excel, IBM SPSS Statistic 20 and MedCalc. During this period, there have been registered 8.769 cases of genital cancer in women, most of them being breast related (n=4005; 45,62%), while the cervical cancer had a percentage of 29,83%, meaning 2616 cases. Squamos cell carcinoma is the histologically most frequently subtype to be seen (73,8%), followed by adenocarcinoma (11,4%). Mortality through cervical cancer depends on the stage of the disease when first diagnosed, if it has been found out in the first stage the 5-year survival rate is 92%, in second and third stage is 56%, and in forth stage is 17%. Death represented 63,79% of cases before 1991 and 58,76% after 1991. Romania needs imperative actions to be taken, mostly concerned on the highest risk age categories and building a positive attitude regarding cancer screening, knowing that a positive attitude is never automatic. |
Keywords: | cervical cancer, mortality, Arad county |
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*Correspondence: | Ursu RG, Cervical Cancer Control in Romania Requieres Optimization, Cervical Cancer: Recent Research and Review Studies |, Published Date: April 16, 2016, pp1- 6; |