October 15, 2014
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Authors: | Ladinia ARDEU, Dorin BARDAC |
Affiliation: | “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu |
Abstract: | The hypothesis of this study consists in demonstrating based on statistic data, if the pacients’ anxiety and the frequency of dysfunctional thoughts can be decreased with psychotherapeutic interventions and the observation of influences on arterial tension values as well as the influence on the C-reactive protein. Methods: The test specimen includes 89 patients with collagen illnesses associated with specific cardiovascular illneses. The patients were recruited from the Internal Medicine department of the Emergency County Hospital Reşiţa, diagnosed with collagenosis (PR, SA, LED, DM, Sdr. Sjogren) associated with specific cardiovascular illneses (HTA, FA, BRD, BRS, Angina pectorala, IM). Our test specimen included 33 patients with collagen illnesses and related cardiovascular illnesses that are exposed to psychological questionnaires (ATQ and HARS), coming from urban and also rural areas, with ages from 24 to 70, among which 15 are males and 18 are females (fig. 1b). All the patients agreed to participate in this study and all of them gave their approval. The study and the application of evidence had in its vision obedience of the ethical norms and professional ontology. Results: the influence of psychic factors on collagen illnesses associated with cardiovascular illneses. Conclusions: On the studied group it was observed that most of the people with collagen illnesses are also affected by cardiovascular diseases that, as a result from clinical and paraclinical tests, are estimated to be a risk factor for the studied patients and also through psychological interventions we can identify the neurotic patients’ psychological pattern. |
Keywords: | psychic factors, cardiovascular illnesses, collagen ilnesses, psychological questionnaires. |
References: | Baranski B., Biemas P. "Guidelines on Quality Management în Multidisciplinary Occupational Health Services World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe, 1998, 9-12. Dreyer L., Andersen A. "Occupation" Danish Cancer Society APMIS Suppl. 76 Vol 105: 68-79, 1997. Elinder C- G, Fridberg, L Kjellströmt, Nordberg G, Oberdoester G. Biological Monitoring of Metals. Monographs-Chemical Safet y. World Health Organisation. Geneva; 1994; 41-69. Enăchescu D. Public Health and Sanitary Management. Ed. All, 1995. Garcia Gomez M., Kogevinas M,, "Estimate of mortality from occupational cancer and of carcinogen exposure în the workplace în Spania în 90’y" Gaceta Sanitaria, 10(54): 143-51, 1996 May-Jun. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine,39(5):415-25, 1997 May. Kenneth D Rosenman, MD, Marthe J Stanbury, MS, Mary Jo Relly, MS, Mortality among persons with silicosis reported to disease surveillance systems în Michigan and New Jersey în the United States, Scand J Work Environ Health 1995; 21; suppl 2; 73-6. Kraut A, "Estimates of the Extent of Morbidity and Mortality Due to Occupational Diseases în Canada, Americal Journal of Industrial Medicine 25: 267-278, 1994. Laczka I, Ghinea D, Cojocaru C, Evolution of risk and illness through silicoses in Satu Mare County between 1968-1995, Romanian magasine for occupational medicine. Vol, 46; Nr 1-2; 1996; 848-52. Niculescu Toma, Professional Pathology Handbook, Medical Publishing Vol 1; Bucharest; 1985. Niculescu Toma, Professional Pathology Handbook, Medical Publishing;Vol 2; Bucharest; 1987; 67-114, 177-98. Niculescu Toma, Professional Pathology Handbook, Medical Publishing;Vol 3; Bucharest; 2002 Niculescu Toma Occupational Medicine, ed. Medmun 2003, Bucharest. Niculescu Toma, Rusea Daniela „Adezivii în practica medicinii muncii, Ed. Medmun, Bucureşti; 2007, 24-7; Niculescu Toma „Occupational Medicine – Professional Diseases Handbook” Ed. Medmun, Bucharest Vol I, 2008;105-115 Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, Criterés d’hygiene d’environment, Le bruit, Geneve; 1980; 12; 41-4. Osterode Wolf, MD, "Hemorheology în occupational lead exposure", Scand J Work Environ Health,1996; vol 22; No 5; 369-73. Rice L Faye, MPH, Leslie T Stayner, PhD, Assessment of silicosis risk for occupational exposure to crystalline silica, Scand J Work Environ Health 1995; 21; suppl 2; 87-90. Timo Partanen, PhD, Juhani Jaakkola, L Tech, Antti Tossavainen, D Tech, Silica, silicosis and cancer în Finland, Scand J Work Environ Health 1995; 21; suppl 2; 84-6. Todea Adriana –Professional diseases, Editura Viaţa medicală, Bucureşti , 2000; Todea Adriana „Guide of occupational medicine physician regarding the tactfulness in work” ed. Fundaţiei România de mâine, 2007, 15-42 Todea Adriana, Rusea Daniela „Knowledge of preofessional risks: way of protection of worker’s health” ed. Fundaţiei România de mâine, 2008, 14-17. Toma I., Berilă I. – Activitaty from greenhouse in sultry condition, MEDMUN, Bucureşti, 2001, Romanian Occupational Medicine Magasine, Vol. 51, nr. 1. Verkasalo K Pia, Magnetic fields and leukaemia-risk for adults living close to power lines, Scand J Work Environ Health 1996; vol 22; suppl 2: 13-4. Voiculescu M, Infection diseases Vol 2; Medical Publishing ; Bucharest; 1990; 344-70. World Health Organisation, Criterés d’hygiene d’environment, Cromium, Genevé; 1982; 61; 15-9. World Health Organisation, Criterés d’hygiene d’environment, Plomb, Genevé; 1078; 3; 16-20. World Health Organisation, Medicine at working place in 1990, regional Office for Europa Nr,1; 1991. *** – Statistic Year book of Health, Calculation, Statistic and Medical Research Center , Bucharest, 2009. ***-"Pour une relance de la politique communautaire en santé au travail" co-éditioon BTS/CES 3 décembrie, 2001. *** Law Nr. 319 from July 14, 2006 of health and security in work ***HG nr. 1425/2006 regarding enforcement of laws, health and security in work ***HG nr. 355/2007 regarding supervising the workers health. Newsletter of the European trade Union technical Bureau for Health and Safety nr.21 june, 2003 |
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Authors: | Ladinia ARDEU, Dorin BARDAC |
Affiliation: | “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu |
Abstract: | The hypothesis of this study consists in demonstrating based on statistic data, if the pacients’ anxiety and the frequency of dysfunctional thoughts can be decreased with psychotherapeutic interventions and the observation of influences on arterial tension values as well as the influence on the C-reactive protein. Methods: The test specimen includes 89 patients with collagen illnesses associated with specific cardiovascular illneses. The patients were recruited from the Internal Medicine department of the Emergency County Hospital Reşiţa, diagnosed with collagenosis (PR, SA, LED, DM, Sdr. Sjogren) associated with specific cardiovascular illneses (HTA, FA, BRD, BRS, Angina pectorala, IM). Our test specimen included 33 patients with collagen illnesses and related cardiovascular illnesses that are exposed to psychological questionnaires (ATQ and HARS), coming from urban and also rural areas, with ages from 24 to 70, among which 15 are males and 18 are females (fig. 1b). All the patients agreed to participate in this study and all of them gave their approval. The study and the application of evidence had in its vision obedience of the ethical norms and professional ontology. Results: the influence of psychic factors on collagen illnesses associated with cardiovascular illneses. Conclusions: On the studied group it was observed that most of the people with collagen illnesses are also affected by cardiovascular diseases that, as a result from clinical and paraclinical tests, are estimated to be a risk factor for the studied patients and also through psychological interventions we can identify the neurotic patients’ psychological pattern. |
Keywords: | psychic factors, cardiovascular illnesses, collagen ilnesses, psychological questionnaires. |
References: | Baranski B., Biemas P. "Guidelines on Quality Management în Multidisciplinary Occupational Health Services World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe, 1998, 9-12. Dreyer L., Andersen A. "Occupation" Danish Cancer Society APMIS Suppl. 76 Vol 105: 68-79, 1997. Elinder C- G, Fridberg, L Kjellströmt, Nordberg G, Oberdoester G. Biological Monitoring of Metals. Monographs-Chemical Safet y. World Health Organisation. Geneva; 1994; 41-69. Enăchescu D. Public Health and Sanitary Management. Ed. All, 1995. Garcia Gomez M., Kogevinas M,, "Estimate of mortality from occupational cancer and of carcinogen exposure în the workplace în Spania în 90’y" Gaceta Sanitaria, 10(54): 143-51, 1996 May-Jun. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine,39(5):415-25, 1997 May. Kenneth D Rosenman, MD, Marthe J Stanbury, MS, Mary Jo Relly, MS, Mortality among persons with silicosis reported to disease surveillance systems în Michigan and New Jersey în the United States, Scand J Work Environ Health 1995; 21; suppl 2; 73-6. Kraut A, "Estimates of the Extent of Morbidity and Mortality Due to Occupational Diseases în Canada, Americal Journal of Industrial Medicine 25: 267-278, 1994. Laczka I, Ghinea D, Cojocaru C, Evolution of risk and illness through silicoses in Satu Mare County between 1968-1995, Romanian magasine for occupational medicine. Vol, 46; Nr 1-2; 1996; 848-52. Niculescu Toma, Professional Pathology Handbook, Medical Publishing Vol 1; Bucharest; 1985. Niculescu Toma, Professional Pathology Handbook, Medical Publishing;Vol 2; Bucharest; 1987; 67-114, 177-98. Niculescu Toma, Professional Pathology Handbook, Medical Publishing;Vol 3; Bucharest; 2002 Niculescu Toma Occupational Medicine, ed. Medmun 2003, Bucharest. Niculescu Toma, Rusea Daniela „Adezivii în practica medicinii muncii, Ed. Medmun, Bucureşti; 2007, 24-7; Niculescu Toma „Occupational Medicine – Professional Diseases Handbook” Ed. Medmun, Bucharest Vol I, 2008;105-115 Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, Criterés d’hygiene d’environment, Le bruit, Geneve; 1980; 12; 41-4. Osterode Wolf, MD, "Hemorheology în occupational lead exposure", Scand J Work Environ Health,1996; vol 22; No 5; 369-73. Rice L Faye, MPH, Leslie T Stayner, PhD, Assessment of silicosis risk for occupational exposure to crystalline silica, Scand J Work Environ Health 1995; 21; suppl 2; 87-90. Timo Partanen, PhD, Juhani Jaakkola, L Tech, Antti Tossavainen, D Tech, Silica, silicosis and cancer în Finland, Scand J Work Environ Health 1995; 21; suppl 2; 84-6. Todea Adriana –Professional diseases, Editura Viaţa medicală, Bucureşti , 2000; Todea Adriana „Guide of occupational medicine physician regarding the tactfulness in work” ed. Fundaţiei România de mâine, 2007, 15-42 Todea Adriana, Rusea Daniela „Knowledge of preofessional risks: way of protection of worker’s health” ed. Fundaţiei România de mâine, 2008, 14-17. Toma I., Berilă I. – Activitaty from greenhouse in sultry condition, MEDMUN, Bucureşti, 2001, Romanian Occupational Medicine Magasine, Vol. 51, nr. 1. Verkasalo K Pia, Magnetic fields and leukaemia-risk for adults living close to power lines, Scand J Work Environ Health 1996; vol 22; suppl 2: 13-4. Voiculescu M, Infection diseases Vol 2; Medical Publishing ; Bucharest; 1990; 344-70. World Health Organisation, Criterés d’hygiene d’environment, Cromium, Genevé; 1982; 61; 15-9. World Health Organisation, Criterés d’hygiene d’environment, Plomb, Genevé; 1078; 3; 16-20. World Health Organisation, Medicine at working place in 1990, regional Office for Europa Nr,1; 1991. *** – Statistic Year book of Health, Calculation, Statistic and Medical Research Center , Bucharest, 2009. ***-"Pour une relance de la politique communautaire en santé au travail" co-éditioon BTS/CES 3 décembrie, 2001. *** Law Nr. 319 from July 14, 2006 of health and security in work ***HG nr. 1425/2006 regarding enforcement of laws, health and security in work ***HG nr. 355/2007 regarding supervising the workers health. Newsletter of the European trade Union technical Bureau for Health and Safety nr.21 june, 2003 |
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