Euthanasia – legal, moral and ethical considerations

Euthanasia – legal, moral and ethical considerations

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Article_Title: Euthanasia – legal, moral and ethical considerations
Authors: Gheorghe Nini, Alin Marian, Corina Zorila, Titus Ududec, Cirnatu Daniela
Affiliation: Pulmonary physician, Pulmonology Clinic of Arad
Lecturer – Faculty of Medicine, “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad
Keywords: euthanasia, life, assisted death, professional ethics, doctor
References: 1. Gillon Raanan, Euthanasia, With holding Life-Prolonging Treatment and Moral Differences Between Killing and Letting Die, Journal of Etics, 14, pp115-117
2. Gillon Raanan, When doctors might kill their patients, B.M.J., 29th of May 1999, pp 1431-1432
3. Scripcaru G., Astarastoaie V., Bioetica si suicid, in Bioetica – o perspectiva europeana, colectia Bioetica, Iasi, pp 103-108
4. Wilkes Erich, Patients’ wants versus patients’ interests: Comentary, Journal of Medical Etics, nr.12, pp 131-132
5. Jean Meyendorff, Lemariage dans la perspective orthodoxe, YMCA-PRESS/O.E.L., Paris,1986, pp 90.
6. Layall Waston, Moartea ca linie a vieţii, Humanitas, 1994, pp 38.
7. D. Von Engelhardt, Storia dell’etica medica, în S. Leone – S. Privitera Dizionario di Bioetica, Bologna 1994, pp 954-958
8. Twentieth century, în Reich W.T. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Bioethics, New York 1978, pp 992-1001.
9. U. Scarpelli La bioetica. Alla ricerca dei principi, Biblioteca della liberta, 1987, 99, pp 7-32.
10. Jean Meyendorff, Lemariage dans la perspective orthodoxe, YMCA-PRESS/O.E.L., Paris, 1986, pp 90.
11. Andrew C. Varga, The main issues in bioefhics, Paulist Press, New York, 1984, pp 110
12. Dr. Leonard Azamfirei – E bine sa stii, Ed. Viata si Sanatate, Bucuresti, 2003, pp 34-36.
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Article Title: Euthanasia – legal, moral and ethical considerations
Authors: Gheorghe Nini, Alin Marian, Corina Zorila, Titus Ududec, Cirnatu Daniela
Affiliation: Pulmonary physician, Pulmonology Clinic of Arad
Lecturer – Faculty of Medicine, “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad
Keywords: euthanasia, life, assisted death, professional ethics, doctor
References: 1. Gillon Raanan, Euthanasia, With holding Life-Prolonging Treatment and Moral Differences Between Killing and Letting Die, Journal of Etics, 14, pp115-117
2. Gillon Raanan, When doctors might kill their patients, B.M.J., 29th of May 1999, pp 1431-1432
3. Scripcaru G., Astarastoaie V., Bioetica si suicid, in Bioetica – o perspectiva europeana, colectia Bioetica, Iasi, pp 103-108
4. Wilkes Erich, Patients’ wants versus patients’ interests: Comentary, Journal of Medical Etics, nr.12, pp 131-132
5. Jean Meyendorff, Lemariage dans la perspective orthodoxe, YMCA-PRESS/O.E.L., Paris,1986, pp 90.
6. Layall Waston, Moartea ca linie a vieţii, Humanitas, 1994, pp 38.
7. D. Von Engelhardt, Storia dell’etica medica, în S. Leone – S. Privitera Dizionario di Bioetica, Bologna 1994, pp 954-958
8. Twentieth century, în Reich W.T. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Bioethics, New York 1978, pp 992-1001.
9. U. Scarpelli La bioetica. Alla ricerca dei principi, Biblioteca della liberta, 1987, 99, pp 7-32.
10. Jean Meyendorff, Lemariage dans la perspective orthodoxe, YMCA-PRESS/O.E.L., Paris, 1986, pp 90.
11. Andrew C. Varga, The main issues in bioefhics, Paulist Press, New York, 1984, pp 110
12. Dr. Leonard Azamfirei – E bine sa stii, Ed. Viata si Sanatate, Bucuresti, 2003, pp 34-36.