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Authors: Virgil Vasca1, Elisabeta Maria Vasca1, Filippo Ricciardiello 2,Flavia Oliva 2,Massimo Mesolella 2, Ioana Lile1 , Liviu Tuturici1
Affiliation: 1 Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine, ’’Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad, Romania
2ENT Complex Operative Unit, Naples University “FEDERICO II”, Clinica ORL ,Naples, Italy
Abstract: Unlike other tumors situated in the region of the head and neck, smoking and alcohol consumption have an insignificant role in the development of malignant sinonasal tumors. Certain jobs, however, mostly those with exposure to sawdust of strong essence represent an acknowledged factor in the etiology of the ethmoid adenocarcinoma as it was first described in 1968. Only jobs involving grinding procedures that produce dust particles bigger than 5 μm in diameter are susceptible of increasing the risk for such tumors although it has not been certainly proven which dust component is responsible for this. The exposure duration and the length of time lapsed between exposure and tumour development was initially considered to be longer than 20 years in both situations.
These tumors are very problematic due to their low occurrence, late symptomatology and proximity to important structures such as the orbit and the skull base. They also represent the region with the highest histological diversity in the body in what concerns the development of every type of tumour, each of them having a different natural history (table 1) and they are classified according to the TNM system which provides clinical estimations concerning the spread of the disease (the seventh edition 2010) (Table 2)
Keywords: 3D,endoscopy, endonasal approach, symptoms, three dimensional, cancer, diagnosis
References: 1. Kassam A, Snyderman CH, Mintz A, Gardner P, Carrau RL. Expanded endonasal approach: the rostrocaudal axis. Part I. Crista galli to the sella turcica. Neurosurg Focus. 2005;19(1):E3.
2. Cinalli G, Cappabianca P, de Falco R, Spennato P, Cianciulli E, Cavallo LM, Esposito F, et al. Current state and future development of intracranial neuroendoscopic surgery. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2005;2(3):351-73. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1586/17434440.2.3.351.
3. Kassam AB, Gardner P, Snyderman C, Mintz A, Carrau R. Expanded endonasal approach: fully endoscopic, completely transnasal appro¬ach to the middle third of the clivus, petrous bone, middle cranial fossa, and infratemporal fossa. Neurosurg Focus. 2005;19(1):E6.
4. Kassam AB, Prevedello DM, Carrau RL, Snyderman CH, Thomas A, Gardner P, et al. Endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery: analysis of complications in the authors’ initial 800 patients. J Neu¬rosurg. 2011;114(6):1544-68. PMID: 21166570 DOI: http://dx.doi. org/10.3171/2010.10.JNS09406
5. Hadad G, Bassagasteguy L, Carrau RL, Mataza JC, Kassam A, Sny¬derman CH, et al. A novel reconstructive technique after endoscopic expanded endonasal approaches: vascular pedicle nasoseptal flap. Laryngoscope. 2006;116(10):1882-6. PMID: 17003708 DOI: http:// dx.doi.org/10.1097/01.mlg.0000234933.37779.e4
6. Shah RN, Surowitz JB, Patel MR, Huang BY, Snyderman CH, Carrau RL, et al. Endoscopic pedicled nasoseptal flap reconstruction for pe¬diatric skull base defects. Laryngoscope. 2009;119(6):1067-75. PMID: 19418531 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/lary.20216
7. Patel MR, Stadler ME, Snyderman CH, Carrau RL, Kassam AB, Ger¬manwala AV, et al. How to choose? Endoscopic skull base recons¬tructive options and limitations. Skull Base. 2010;20(6):397-404. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0030-1253573
8. Harvey RJ, Sheahan PO, Schlosser RJ. Inferior turbinate pedicle flap for endoscopic skull base defect repair. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2009;23(5):522-6. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2500/ajra.2009.23.3354
9. Prevedello DM, Barges-Coll J, Fernandez-Miranda JC, Morera V, Jacob¬son D, Madhok R, et al. Middle turbinate flap for skull base reconstruc¬tion: cadaveric feasibility study. Laryngoscope. 2009;119(11):2094-8. PMID: 19718761 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/lary.20226

10. Fortes FS, Carrau RL, Snyderman CH, Kassam A, Prevedello D, Vescan A, et al. Transpterygoid transposition of a temporoparietal fascia flap: a new method for skull base reconstruction after endoscopic expan¬ded endonasal approaches. Laryngoscope. 2007;117(6):970-6. PMID: 17417106 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MLG.0b013e3180471482
11. Patel MR, Shah RN, Snyderman CH, Carrau RL, Germanwala AV, Kassam AB, et al. Pericranial flap for endoscopic anterior skull-base reconstruction: clinical outcomes and radioanatomic analysis of preoperative planning. Neurosurgery. 2010;66(3):506-12.
12. Oliver CL, Hackman TG, Carrau RL, Snyderman CH, Kassam AB, Prevedello DM, et al. Palatal flap modifications allow pedicled recons¬truction of the skull base. Laryngoscope. 2008;118(12):2102-6. PMID: 19029856 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MLG.0b013e318184e719
13. Rivera-Serrano CM, Bassagaisteguy LH, Hadad G, Carrau RL, Kelly D, Prevedello DM, et al. Posterior pedicle lateral nasal wall flap: new reconstructive technique for large defects of the skull base. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2011;25(6):e212-6.
14. Hadad G, Rivera-Serrano CM, Bassagaisteguy LH, Carrau RL, Fernan¬dez-Miranda J, Prevedello DM, et al. Anterior pedicle lateral nasal wall flap: a novel technique for the reconstruction of anterior skull base defects. Laryngoscope. 2011;121(8):1606-10. PMID: 21792948 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/lary.21889

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Read full article
Authors: Virgil Vasca1, Elisabeta Maria Vasca1, Filippo Ricciardiello 2,Flavia Oliva 2,Massimo Mesolella 2, Ioana Lile1 , Liviu Tuturici1
Affiliation: 1 Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine, ’’Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad, Romania
2ENT Complex Operative Unit, Naples University “FEDERICO II”, Clinica ORL ,Naples, Italy
Abstract: Unlike other tumors situated in the region of the head and neck, smoking and alcohol consumption have an insignificant role in the development of malignant sinonasal tumors. Certain jobs, however, mostly those with exposure to sawdust of strong essence represent an acknowledged factor in the etiology of the ethmoid adenocarcinoma as it was first described in 1968. Only jobs involving grinding procedures that produce dust particles bigger than 5 μm in diameter are susceptible of increasing the risk for such tumors although it has not been certainly proven which dust component is responsible for this. The exposure duration and the length of time lapsed between exposure and tumour development was initially considered to be longer than 20 years in both situations.
These tumors are very problematic due to their low occurrence, late symptomatology and proximity to important structures such as the orbit and the skull base. They also represent the region with the highest histological diversity in the body in what concerns the development of every type of tumour, each of them having a different natural history (table 1) and they are classified according to the TNM system which provides clinical estimations concerning the spread of the disease (the seventh edition 2010) (Table 2)
Keywords: 3D,endoscopy, endonasal approach, symptoms, three dimensional, cancer, diagnosis
References: 1. Kassam A, Snyderman CH, Mintz A, Gardner P, Carrau RL. Expanded endonasal approach: the rostrocaudal axis. Part I. Crista galli to the sella turcica. Neurosurg Focus. 2005;19(1):E3.
2. Cinalli G, Cappabianca P, de Falco R, Spennato P, Cianciulli E, Cavallo LM, Esposito F, et al. Current state and future development of intracranial neuroendoscopic surgery. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2005;2(3):351-73. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1586/17434440.2.3.351.
3. Kassam AB, Gardner P, Snyderman C, Mintz A, Carrau R. Expanded endonasal approach: fully endoscopic, completely transnasal appro¬ach to the middle third of the clivus, petrous bone, middle cranial fossa, and infratemporal fossa. Neurosurg Focus. 2005;19(1):E6.
4. Kassam AB, Prevedello DM, Carrau RL, Snyderman CH, Thomas A, Gardner P, et al. Endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery: analysis of complications in the authors’ initial 800 patients. J Neu¬rosurg. 2011;114(6):1544-68. PMID: 21166570 DOI: http://dx.doi. org/10.3171/2010.10.JNS09406
5. Hadad G, Bassagasteguy L, Carrau RL, Mataza JC, Kassam A, Sny¬derman CH, et al. A novel reconstructive technique after endoscopic expanded endonasal approaches: vascular pedicle nasoseptal flap. Laryngoscope. 2006;116(10):1882-6. PMID: 17003708 DOI: http:// dx.doi.org/10.1097/01.mlg.0000234933.37779.e4
6. Shah RN, Surowitz JB, Patel MR, Huang BY, Snyderman CH, Carrau RL, et al. Endoscopic pedicled nasoseptal flap reconstruction for pe¬diatric skull base defects. Laryngoscope. 2009;119(6):1067-75. PMID: 19418531 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/lary.20216
7. Patel MR, Stadler ME, Snyderman CH, Carrau RL, Kassam AB, Ger¬manwala AV, et al. How to choose? Endoscopic skull base recons¬tructive options and limitations. Skull Base. 2010;20(6):397-404. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0030-1253573
8. Harvey RJ, Sheahan PO, Schlosser RJ. Inferior turbinate pedicle flap for endoscopic skull base defect repair. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2009;23(5):522-6. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2500/ajra.2009.23.3354
9. Prevedello DM, Barges-Coll J, Fernandez-Miranda JC, Morera V, Jacob¬son D, Madhok R, et al. Middle turbinate flap for skull base reconstruc¬tion: cadaveric feasibility study. Laryngoscope. 2009;119(11):2094-8. PMID: 19718761 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/lary.20226

10. Fortes FS, Carrau RL, Snyderman CH, Kassam A, Prevedello D, Vescan A, et al. Transpterygoid transposition of a temporoparietal fascia flap: a new method for skull base reconstruction after endoscopic expan¬ded endonasal approaches. Laryngoscope. 2007;117(6):970-6. PMID: 17417106 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MLG.0b013e3180471482
11. Patel MR, Shah RN, Snyderman CH, Carrau RL, Germanwala AV, Kassam AB, et al. Pericranial flap for endoscopic anterior skull-base reconstruction: clinical outcomes and radioanatomic analysis of preoperative planning. Neurosurgery. 2010;66(3):506-12.
12. Oliver CL, Hackman TG, Carrau RL, Snyderman CH, Kassam AB, Prevedello DM, et al. Palatal flap modifications allow pedicled recons¬truction of the skull base. Laryngoscope. 2008;118(12):2102-6. PMID: 19029856 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MLG.0b013e318184e719
13. Rivera-Serrano CM, Bassagaisteguy LH, Hadad G, Carrau RL, Kelly D, Prevedello DM, et al. Posterior pedicle lateral nasal wall flap: new reconstructive technique for large defects of the skull base. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2011;25(6):e212-6.
14. Hadad G, Rivera-Serrano CM, Bassagaisteguy LH, Carrau RL, Fernan¬dez-Miranda J, Prevedello DM, et al. Anterior pedicle lateral nasal wall flap: a novel technique for the reconstruction of anterior skull base defects. Laryngoscope. 2011;121(8):1606-10. PMID: 21792948 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/lary.21889
