Colon and ileum Crohn’s disease. Multiple colonic stenosis
April 18, 2010
Abstract Title: | Colon and ileum Crohn’s disease. Multiple colonic stenosis |
Authors: | Miutescu Bogdan, Toth Csongor, Miutescu Eftimie |
Affiliation: | “Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad, Romania |
Abstract text: | Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease, of unknown etiology, that can affect the entire digestive tube, but mostly the ileum and the colon. Crohn’s disease complications are frequent and stenosis is one of them. 57 years old patient, transferred from Sebis Hospital in the Gastroenterology Clinic of the University County Hospital Arad with the diagnose of diarrheic syndrome (for approximately five months – he was administrated anti – diarrheic treatment from his personal doctor). Symptoms were: clinical examination-diarrhea, abdominal pain, asthenia, low appetite and weight loss. The laboratory investigations show anemia, C-reactive protein level is high; leukocytes and VSH are within the normal values. Abdominal ultrasound doesn’t show any pathological modifications. The colonoscopy reveals ulcerations on all three stenosis of the ascendant colon; the last one could not pass with the endoscope. The patient was recommended to perform an enteroscopy and for this reason he was transferred to the III Medical Clinic – University Hospital „ Octavian Fodor” Cluj-Napoca. The enteroscopy revealed stenosis at the ascendant colon and a stenosis with ulcerations at the ileocecal valve. The stenosis from the ileocecal valve could not pass with the scope. The colon and ileocecal valve stenosis are the Crohn’s disease complications. For a complete evaluation and the small intestine, especially the distal segment, it is necessary for the patient to perform an entero-RM. |
Keywords: | Crohn’s disease, stenosis, enteroscopy, colonoscopy |
Presentation type: | Oral |
Correspondence: | Crohn’s disease, stenosis, enetroscopy, colonoscopy |
Email: | |