Contraception in the Family Planning Department of the “Dr. Salvator Vuia” Clinical Obstetrics…
Abstract Title: Contraception in the Family Planning Department of the “Dr. Salvator Vuia” Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Arad during a five year period Authors:...
Prophylaxis of infective endocarditis in dental procedures
Abstract Title: Prophylaxis of infective endocarditis in dental procedures Authors: T. Jecherean, L. Moş, A. Marian, A.S. Marian Affiliation: Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad,...
Common causes and principles for evaluation and therapy in non-pharmacological pain management
Abstract Title: Common causes and principles for evaluation and therapy in non-pharmacological pain management Authors: Popa Calin, Maria Puschita, Harja Alexandru Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” Western...
Modern principles underlying polish selection of natural teeth
Abstract Title: Modern principles underlying polish selection of natural teeth Authors: Ciprian Pasca, Calin Mancas, Adelina Copil, Teodora Lupulescu Affiliation: Vasile Goldis Western University Arad,...
Reasons and complications Hemorrhagic Rectocolitis
Abstract Title: Reasons and complications Hemorrhagic Rectocolitis Authors: Mang Ionel, Miutescu Eftimie, Toth Csongor, Miutescu Bogdan Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad Romania Abstract...
Iatrogenous parodontal state cumulative index
Abstract Title: Iatrogenous parodontal state cumulative index Authors: Sebesan Voicu, Gag Otilia, Marian Alina, Ardelean Dan Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania Abstract text:...
Antioxidants – modern therapies
Abstract Title: Antioxidants – modern therapies Authors: Melania Florina Muntean, Claudia Crina Toma Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad, Romania Abstract text: Antioxidants were and...
The relationship between circulating level of adiponectin and lipid metabolism in type 2 diabetes…
Dental decay – the main determinant of incidence and emergence
Abstract Title: Dental decay – the main determinant of incidence and emergence Authors: Ciurus Calin Teodor, Sebesan Voicu Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad, Romania...
The correlation of the results of the cytological exam of the sputum, in order to diagnose bronchial
Abstract Title: The correlation of the results of the cytological exam of the sputum, in order to diagnose bronchial lung cancer, with the results of...