Apoptose et le SIDA
Abstract Title: Apoptose et le SIDA Authors: Célianthe Roscetti, George Pribac, Aurel Ardelean Affiliation: Universite de l’Ouest “Vasile Goldis” d’Arad, Roumanie Abstract text: On nomme...
Pathologie Mitochondriale: Le syndrome de MELAS
Abstract Title: Pathologie Mitochondriale: Le syndrome de MELAS Authors: Bourdin Loic, Aurel Ardelean, George Pribac Affiliation: Universite de l’Ouest “Vasile Goldis” d’Arad, Roumanie Abstract text:...
The major signaling pathways in plants
Abstract Title: The major signaling pathways in plants Authors: Aurel Ardelean Affiliation: “Vasile Goldlis” Western University of Arad, Romania Abstract text: In plants, as in...
Toxicology of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons and their analysis
Abstract Title: Toxicology of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons and their analysis Authors: Vlad Agotici1,2, Ionel Ciucanu1, Petra Silvia Agotici1 Affiliation: 1 “Vasile Goldis” Western University of...
Oral immunization through edible vaccines contained in plants
Abstract Title: Oral immunization through edible vaccines contained in plants Authors: Cachiţă – Cosma Dorina, Ardelean Aurel, Turcuş Violeta Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad,...
Oral Rehabilitation of an edentulous patient with subtotal overdenture hard mixed with a dental…
Abstract Title: Oral Rehabilitation of an edentulous patient with subtotal overdenture hard mixed with a dental implant prosthesis with staples Authors: Alexandru Kozma, Tatiana Duminica,...
10-year follow-up of the GELA LNH 98.5 study
Abstract Title: 10-year follow-up of the GELA LNH 98.5 study Authors: Liviu Cheveresan Affiliation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Victor Babes”, Department of Clinical Hematology,...
MabThera 10 years of clinical experience – Laying foundations for the future
Abstract Title: MabThera 10 years of clinical experience – Laying foundations for the future Authors: Hortensia Ionita Affiliation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Victor Babes”,...
One patient, many options: What factors affect the choice of CLL therapy?
Abstract Title: One patient, many options: What factors affect the choice of CLL therapy? Authors: Anca Roxana Lupu Affiliation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol...
Case report: Which disease can mimic a retrosternal pain?
Abstract Title: Case report: Which disease can mimic a retrosternal pain? Authors: Mihaela Glişici, Maria Puşchiţă, Ecaterina Enea Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad, Romania...