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Authors: | Tataru Ana-Liana1,2, Furău Cristian1,2, Furău Gheorghe1,2, Crângu Ionescu3, Dimitriu Mihai3 , Afilon Jompan2, Stănescu Casiana1,2, Dașcău Voicu1,2 |
Affiliation: | 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology – Arad County Clinical Hospital 2Vasile Goldis“ Western University of Arad 3„Carol Davila” University, Bucharest |
Abstract: | In a society trapped in an accelerated aging process, quality of life means getting more quality of life of those in the third period of life. It is necessary to undertake social action by all decisional agents and society in general, to ensure healthy aging, to quality life with the lowest social cost. A study was conducted in collaboration with the West University ”Vasile Goldis “, Arad, the Cultural Centre County Arad and the County Council of Arad on a sample of 400 women aged between 41 and 80 years. Individuals were selected from both urban and rural areas as the study was applied on the entire county of Arad, which helped us highlight the lifestyle differences between the two areas. In quantitative research the instrument of investigation, the questionnaire, was individually applied by doctors and residents. Out of the 400 women studied, 318 gave birth vaginally (79.5%), 51 by caesarean section (12.75%) and 7.75% had no children (31 people). regarding the current state of the menstrual cycle, 107 people are premenopausal with regular cycles (26.75%), 39 women in perimenopausal period, called the transition, with irregular cycles, but which have not been 12 months without a menstrual cycle (9.5%) and the remaining 254 are postmenopausal women, representing a rate of 63.75%. 193 patients from a total of 400 tests were performed PAP test, which is a percentage of only 48.25%. We notice a fairly high incidence of urinary incontinence effort in the group of female population of 49.5%.The problems of old age and aging is and will be a generous field of study, and on current demographic conditions, even a first order requirement. Knowing all facets of old age, the joys and benefits, but also its pains and vulnerabilities, as well as knowing the real needs, but also those experienced by older people is a fundamental requirement of the policies based on the life quality. Also, knowledge on living conditions, lifestyle and possibilities of meeting the vital needs is an essential need for society as a whole, as long as aging is a natural phase of life, which no one can avoid. |
Keywords: | ageing. Reproductive system, women’s health |
References: | 1. Bocsa, Eva, Psihologia vârstelor, Editura Edyro, Petroşani, 2003. 2. Hahn, Dale, Wayne Payne, Transparency masters to accompany Focus on health, Brown and Benchmark, 1997. 3. Legea 220 din 2011 privind reforma în domeniul sănătăţii, publicată în Monitorul Oficial nr. 851, din 30 noiembrie 2011. Muntean, Ana, Psihologia dezvoltării umane, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2009 4. Abeles R.P., Gift H.C., Ory M.G.(1994), Aging and Quality of Life, Springer Company, New-York. 5. Adler A.(1996), Cunoaşterea omului, Editura IRI, f.l. 6. Bălaşa A., Diagnoza calităţii vieţii populaţiei vârstnice, în, Revista Calitatea Vieţii, XII, nr. 1-4/2000. 7. Bălaşa A., Îmbătrânirea populaţiei: provocări şi răspunsuri ale Europei, în, Revista Calitatea Vieţii, XVI, nr.3-4/2005. 8. Bălaşa A., Sănătatea – componentă esenţială a calităţii vieţii vârstnicilor, în, Revista Calitatea Vieţii, XVII, nr.1-2/2007. 9. Baldwin S., Godfrey C., Propper C.(2002), Quality of Life. Perspectives and Policies, Routledge, London and New-York. 10. Bronikowsi, A. & Promislow, D. E. L. (2005). Testing evolutionary theories in wild populations, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 20, no.6, 271-273, p. 271. 11. Burzynski, S. R. (2005). Aging: gene silencing or gene activation?Medical Hypothenses, 64, 201-208, p. 202 12. Curaj A., Persoanele vârstnice: caracteristici şi probleme specifice, în, Buzducea D. (coord) (2010), Asistenţa socială a grupurilor de risc, Editura Polirom, Iaşi 13. Daşcău Voicu, Furău Gheorghe, Păiuşan Lucian, Radu Adriana, Furău Cristian, Para Cristina, Stănescu Casiana, Onel Cristina, Ulgut Corina – Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia in the Ob-Gyn Department of the Arad County Hospital during the 1998-2012 Period. Proceedings of The 18th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility, Vienna 2013, pp. 447-453, Monduzzi Editoriale, 2014 ISBN 978-88-6521-069-7 14. Daşcău Voicu, Furău Gheorghe, Păiuşan Lucian, Radu Adriana, Furău Cristian, Para Cristina, Stănescu Casiana, Onel Cristina, Ulgut Corina – Statistical Comparisons of Gynecologic Cancer Age Groups in the Ob-Gyn Department of the Arad County Hospital during the 1998-2012 Period. Proceedings of The 18th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility, Vienna 2013, pp. 455-460, Monduzzi Editoriale, 2014, ISBN 978-88-6521-069-7 15. Diczfalusy Egon, Wanda Holmberg, Vejnovic Tihomir, Mankind in search of humanitykind, or Tomorrow will be different 16. Doblhammer G., Scholz R.(2010), Ageing, Care Need and Quality of Life, Vs.Research. 17. FURĂU CRISTIAN- Egon Diczfalusy- 90 years for humanity through science, „Vasile Goldis” University Press- Arad 2010, 393 pag,ISBN 978-973-664-428-3 18. Furau Cristian George, Ciobanu Gheorghe, Furau Gheorghe, Dascau Voicu, Onel Cristina, Tataru Ana Liana, Stanescu Casiana, Ovarian Pathology Surgically Removed In Pregancy. A Ten Years Retrospective Analysis Based In Histopathological Diagnosis, MEDICAL CONNECTIONS • NUMBER 4 (32) • DECEMBER 2013 19. Furau Cristian, Ciobanu Gheorghe, Craina Marius, Furau Gheorghe, Management Of Adnexal Masses During Cesarean Section- Advantages Of Exteriorizing The Uterus Technique Seen In A Twelve Year Retrospective Study, Publicat În Recent Research In Medicine &Medical Chemistry, Pag 254-258, Issn: 1790-5125, Isbn: 978-1-61804-111-1, Edit Wseas Press, Cu Ocazia 3rd International Conference On Obstetrics And Gynaecology Kos Island, 2012 20. FURĂU CRISTIAN, Diagnosticul precoce al tumorilor ovariene asociate sarcinii şi managementul acestora, teza de doctorat, 2014 21. Furău Cristian, Gheorghe Furău, Voicu Daşcău, The Influence Of 21st Century Society In Choosing The Modality Of Delivery- A Retrospective Study Over Deliveries Assisted In The “Dr. Salvator Vuia” Clinical Hospital For Obstetrics- Gynecology Of Arad Between 1984-2011, AMT, V. Ii, No. 3, 2013, P. 312 22. FURAU Cristian, Gheorghe Furau; Voicu Dascau; Gheorghe Ciobanu; Cristina Onel; Casiana Stanescu, Improvements in Cesarean Section Techniques: Arad’s Obstetrics Department Experience on Adapting the Vejnovic Cesarean Section Technique , Maedica – A Journal Of Clinical Medicine, 2013; 8(3): 256-260 23. FURAU GHEORGHE, VOICU DASCAU, CRISTIAN FURAU, LUCIAN PAIUSAN, ADRIANA RADU, CASIANA STANESCU- Gynecological Cancer Age Groups at the “Dr. Salvator Vuia” Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital During the 2000-2009 Period, MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine, nr. 4/2011, pp 268-271 ISSN 1841-9038 24. Ghidrai Olimpia, Geriatrie şi gerontologie // Casa cărţii de ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca, 2002, Ediţia II, 384 p. 25. Muntean, A. (2006). Psihologia Dezvoltării Umane. Editura Polirom, Iaşi, p. 419. |
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Correspondence: | Tataru Ana-Liana, “Vasile Goldis“ Western University of Arad, Faculty of Medicine, No 18, G. Barițiu St, Arad, Romania, 0749058775, |
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Authors: | Tataru Ana-Liana1,2, Furău Cristian1,2, Furău Gheorghe1,2, Crângu Ionescu3, Dimitriu Mihai3 , Afilon Jompan2, Stănescu Casiana1,2, Dașcău Voicu1,2 |
Affiliation: | 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology – Arad County Clinical Hospital 2Vasile Goldis“ Western University of Arad 3„Carol Davila” University, Bucharest |
Abstract: | In a society trapped in an accelerated aging process, quality of life means getting more quality of life of those in the third period of life. It is necessary to undertake social action by all decisional agents and society in general, to ensure healthy aging, to quality life with the lowest social cost. A study was conducted in collaboration with the West University ”Vasile Goldis “, Arad, the Cultural Centre County Arad and the County Council of Arad on a sample of 400 women aged between 41 and 80 years. Individuals were selected from both urban and rural areas as the study was applied on the entire county of Arad, which helped us highlight the lifestyle differences between the two areas. In quantitative research the instrument of investigation, the questionnaire, was individually applied by doctors and residents. Out of the 400 women studied, 318 gave birth vaginally (79.5%), 51 by caesarean section (12.75%) and 7.75% had no children (31 people). regarding the current state of the menstrual cycle, 107 people are premenopausal with regular cycles (26.75%), 39 women in perimenopausal period, called the transition, with irregular cycles, but which have not been 12 months without a menstrual cycle (9.5%) and the remaining 254 are postmenopausal women, representing a rate of 63.75%. 193 patients from a total of 400 tests were performed PAP test, which is a percentage of only 48.25%. We notice a fairly high incidence of urinary incontinence effort in the group of female population of 49.5%.The problems of old age and aging is and will be a generous field of study, and on current demographic conditions, even a first order requirement. Knowing all facets of old age, the joys and benefits, but also its pains and vulnerabilities, as well as knowing the real needs, but also those experienced by older people is a fundamental requirement of the policies based on the life quality. Also, knowledge on living conditions, lifestyle and possibilities of meeting the vital needs is an essential need for society as a whole, as long as aging is a natural phase of life, which no one can avoid. |
Keywords: | ageing. Reproductive system, women’s health |
References: | 1. Bocsa, Eva, Psihologia vârstelor, Editura Edyro, Petroşani, 2003. 2. Hahn, Dale, Wayne Payne, Transparency masters to accompany Focus on health, Brown and Benchmark, 1997. 3. Legea 220 din 2011 privind reforma în domeniul sănătăţii, publicată în Monitorul Oficial nr. 851, din 30 noiembrie 2011. Muntean, Ana, Psihologia dezvoltării umane, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2009 4. Abeles R.P., Gift H.C., Ory M.G.(1994), Aging and Quality of Life, Springer Company, New-York. 5. Adler A.(1996), Cunoaşterea omului, Editura IRI, f.l. 6. Bălaşa A., Diagnoza calităţii vieţii populaţiei vârstnice, în, Revista Calitatea Vieţii, XII, nr. 1-4/2000. 7. Bălaşa A., Îmbătrânirea populaţiei: provocări şi răspunsuri ale Europei, în, Revista Calitatea Vieţii, XVI, nr.3-4/2005. 8. Bălaşa A., Sănătatea – componentă esenţială a calităţii vieţii vârstnicilor, în, Revista Calitatea Vieţii, XVII, nr.1-2/2007. 9. Baldwin S., Godfrey C., Propper C.(2002), Quality of Life. Perspectives and Policies, Routledge, London and New-York. 10. Bronikowsi, A. & Promislow, D. E. L. (2005). Testing evolutionary theories in wild populations, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 20, no.6, 271-273, p. 271. 11. Burzynski, S. R. (2005). Aging: gene silencing or gene activation?Medical Hypothenses, 64, 201-208, p. 202 12. Curaj A., Persoanele vârstnice: caracteristici şi probleme specifice, în, Buzducea D. (coord) (2010), Asistenţa socială a grupurilor de risc, Editura Polirom, Iaşi 13. Daşcău Voicu, Furău Gheorghe, Păiuşan Lucian, Radu Adriana, Furău Cristian, Para Cristina, Stănescu Casiana, Onel Cristina, Ulgut Corina – Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia in the Ob-Gyn Department of the Arad County Hospital during the 1998-2012 Period. Proceedings of The 18th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility, Vienna 2013, pp. 447-453, Monduzzi Editoriale, 2014 ISBN 978-88-6521-069-7 14. Daşcău Voicu, Furău Gheorghe, Păiuşan Lucian, Radu Adriana, Furău Cristian, Para Cristina, Stănescu Casiana, Onel Cristina, Ulgut Corina – Statistical Comparisons of Gynecologic Cancer Age Groups in the Ob-Gyn Department of the Arad County Hospital during the 1998-2012 Period. Proceedings of The 18th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility, Vienna 2013, pp. 455-460, Monduzzi Editoriale, 2014, ISBN 978-88-6521-069-7 15. Diczfalusy Egon, Wanda Holmberg, Vejnovic Tihomir, Mankind in search of humanitykind, or Tomorrow will be different 16. Doblhammer G., Scholz R.(2010), Ageing, Care Need and Quality of Life, Vs.Research. 17. FURĂU CRISTIAN- Egon Diczfalusy- 90 years for humanity through science, „Vasile Goldis” University Press- Arad 2010, 393 pag,ISBN 978-973-664-428-3 18. Furau Cristian George, Ciobanu Gheorghe, Furau Gheorghe, Dascau Voicu, Onel Cristina, Tataru Ana Liana, Stanescu Casiana, Ovarian Pathology Surgically Removed In Pregancy. A Ten Years Retrospective Analysis Based In Histopathological Diagnosis, MEDICAL CONNECTIONS • NUMBER 4 (32) • DECEMBER 2013 19. Furau Cristian, Ciobanu Gheorghe, Craina Marius, Furau Gheorghe, Management Of Adnexal Masses During Cesarean Section- Advantages Of Exteriorizing The Uterus Technique Seen In A Twelve Year Retrospective Study, Publicat În Recent Research In Medicine &Medical Chemistry, Pag 254-258, Issn: 1790-5125, Isbn: 978-1-61804-111-1, Edit Wseas Press, Cu Ocazia 3rd International Conference On Obstetrics And Gynaecology Kos Island, 2012 20. FURĂU CRISTIAN, Diagnosticul precoce al tumorilor ovariene asociate sarcinii şi managementul acestora, teza de doctorat, 2014 21. Furău Cristian, Gheorghe Furău, Voicu Daşcău, The Influence Of 21st Century Society In Choosing The Modality Of Delivery- A Retrospective Study Over Deliveries Assisted In The “Dr. Salvator Vuia” Clinical Hospital For Obstetrics- Gynecology Of Arad Between 1984-2011, AMT, V. Ii, No. 3, 2013, P. 312 22. FURAU Cristian, Gheorghe Furau; Voicu Dascau; Gheorghe Ciobanu; Cristina Onel; Casiana Stanescu, Improvements in Cesarean Section Techniques: Arad’s Obstetrics Department Experience on Adapting the Vejnovic Cesarean Section Technique , Maedica – A Journal Of Clinical Medicine, 2013; 8(3): 256-260 23. FURAU GHEORGHE, VOICU DASCAU, CRISTIAN FURAU, LUCIAN PAIUSAN, ADRIANA RADU, CASIANA STANESCU- Gynecological Cancer Age Groups at the “Dr. Salvator Vuia” Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital During the 2000-2009 Period, MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine, nr. 4/2011, pp 268-271 ISSN 1841-9038 24. Ghidrai Olimpia, Geriatrie şi gerontologie // Casa cărţii de ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca, 2002, Ediţia II, 384 p. 25. Muntean, A. (2006). Psihologia Dezvoltării Umane. Editura Polirom, Iaşi, p. 419. |
*Correspondence: | Tataru Ana-Liana, “Vasile Goldis“ Western University of Arad, Faculty of Medicine, No 18, G. Barițiu St, Arad, Romania, 0749058775, |