The rehabilitation treatment of the bearing joints arthroses from the lower limbs

The rehabilitation treatment of the bearing joints arthroses from the lower limbs

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Article_Title: The rehabilitation treatment of the bearing joints arthroses from the lower limbs
Authors: Liviu Lazăr1, Florin Marcu1, Ovidiu Hațegan2, Deme Paul2, Popescu Sebastian2
Affiliation: 1University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Psycho-neuroscience and Recovery
2West University Vasile Goldis from Arad, Faculty of Medicine
Department of General Medicine2
Abstract: The arthrosic disease, the most common chronic osteoarticular disorder, represents a health and social problem in all countries, on account of both clinical and radiological discrepancy and of increased social and economic costs. The main joints of the lower limb: hip, knee and ankle are the bearing joints; they support the upright body position, as high mechanical pressure is exerted on them. The goal of the osteoarthritis treatment consists in pain elimination, mobility improvement, stability increase in the affected joints and disease progression prevention. Rehabilitation must be adapted to the evolution stage of the disorder; it comprises several methods: patient education, kinetotherapy, hydrokinetotherapy, massage therapy, electrotherapy, thermotherapy, balneotherapy and occupational therapy. In order for the rehabilitation treatment to be successful, patients’ involvement in the therapeutic process is mandatory; thus, hygienic-dietary lifestyle and a recommended physical therapy program should be respected throughout entire life.
Keywords: osteoarthritis treatment, rehabilitation, physical therapy program
References: Block J.A., Shakoor N., The biomechanics of osteoarthritis: Implications for therapy, Current Rheumatology Reports , ISSN 1523-3774, February 04, 2009, p:15-22
Marcu Fl. , Lazăr L., Artrozele-Ghid de recuperare medicală, vol. I, Editura Universității din Oradea, 2012 ISBN 978-606-10-0955-8, p: 16-29
Halar E., Bell K. Immobility. In: DeLisa J, Gans B, editors. Rehabilitation medicine: principles and practice. 3rd edition. Philadelphia 7 Lippincott-Raven; 1998. p. 1015– 54.
Boloşiu H., Fichera C.R., Boala artrozică periferică, 10 Teme Alese de Reumatologie, Edit. Medic. Univ. ,,Iuliu Haţeganu” Cluj Napoca, 2003, pag. 181-215
Yeung T.S., Wessel J., Stratford P., Macdermid J., Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the lower extremity functional scale for inpatients of an orthopaedic rehabilitation ward, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2009;39(6):468-77.
Sbenghe T., Hidrokinetoterapia, Kinetologie profilactică terapeutică şi de recuperare, Editura Medicală Bucureşti 1987, pag 246
Read_full_article: pdf/vol18/iss4/4 JMA 2015 – tratamentul de recuperare.pdf
Correspondence: prof. univ. Liviu Lazăr
Chief Director of Department of Psycho-neuroscience and Recovery
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of Oradea, Romania
Mobile Telefon: 0741521060

Read full article
Article Title: The rehabilitation treatment of the bearing joints arthroses from the lower limbs
Authors: Liviu Lazăr1, Florin Marcu1, Ovidiu Hațegan2, Deme Paul2, Popescu Sebastian2
Affiliation: 1University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Psycho-neuroscience and Recovery
2West University Vasile Goldis from Arad, Faculty of Medicine
Department of General Medicine2
Abstract: The arthrosic disease, the most common chronic osteoarticular disorder, represents a health and social problem in all countries, on account of both clinical and radiological discrepancy and of increased social and economic costs. The main joints of the lower limb: hip, knee and ankle are the bearing joints; they support the upright body position, as high mechanical pressure is exerted on them. The goal of the osteoarthritis treatment consists in pain elimination, mobility improvement, stability increase in the affected joints and disease progression prevention. Rehabilitation must be adapted to the evolution stage of the disorder; it comprises several methods: patient education, kinetotherapy, hydrokinetotherapy, massage therapy, electrotherapy, thermotherapy, balneotherapy and occupational therapy. In order for the rehabilitation treatment to be successful, patients’ involvement in the therapeutic process is mandatory; thus, hygienic-dietary lifestyle and a recommended physical therapy program should be respected throughout entire life.
Keywords: osteoarthritis treatment, rehabilitation, physical therapy program
References: Block J.A., Shakoor N., The biomechanics of osteoarthritis: Implications for therapy, Current Rheumatology Reports , ISSN 1523-3774, February 04, 2009, p:15-22
Marcu Fl. , Lazăr L., Artrozele-Ghid de recuperare medicală, vol. I, Editura Universității din Oradea, 2012 ISBN 978-606-10-0955-8, p: 16-29
Halar E., Bell K. Immobility. In: DeLisa J, Gans B, editors. Rehabilitation medicine: principles and practice. 3rd edition. Philadelphia 7 Lippincott-Raven; 1998. p. 1015– 54.
Boloşiu H., Fichera C.R., Boala artrozică periferică, 10 Teme Alese de Reumatologie, Edit. Medic. Univ. ,,Iuliu Haţeganu” Cluj Napoca, 2003, pag. 181-215
Yeung T.S., Wessel J., Stratford P., Macdermid J., Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the lower extremity functional scale for inpatients of an orthopaedic rehabilitation ward, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2009;39(6):468-77.
Sbenghe T., Hidrokinetoterapia, Kinetologie profilactică terapeutică şi de recuperare, Editura Medicală Bucureşti 1987, pag 246
*Correspondence: prof. univ. Liviu Lazăr
Chief Director of Department of Psycho-neuroscience and Recovery
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of Oradea, Romania
Mobile Telefon: 0741521060