The relevance of CT investigation in dentistry

Abstract Title: The relevance of CT investigation in dentistry
Authors: Covrig Valeria, Urtilă Emil, Buşan Ionuţ, Copil Adelina, Dobos Diana
Affiliation: "Vasile Goldis" Western University Arad, Romania
Abstract text: TVD was introduced in imagistic dental diagnostic arsenal in 1998, and in our country it felt present in the last 3-4 years. We salute it’s presence, and our study aims at making this exam a more accessible one. This investigation is less accessible to both patients and doctors because of high costs price and lack of experience in this field. None the less we trust that with time it will become a tool used very often by dentists in their daily practice. However there were achieved progresses, due to new interest in literature and the most important due to the increasing benefits brought by the radiological investigations to the main beneficiaries, the dental implantologists.
As dentistry evolves, we can now foresee that implantology will soon become a current dental procedure thus making CT a common investigation also. This will eventually lower the costs of this exam also. Through this study we want to show in which areas of professional activities can we,as dentists, use volumetric imaging, and also to highlight it’s advantages that surclase the panoramic films or digital images. Romanian dentist should consider TVD with CT an important source of information necessary for a right diagnostic and a complet and complex treatment planning.
Keywords: radiology, imagistical investigation
Presentation type: Oral
Correspondence: Arad, str. milan tabacovici, nr.51 A, ap.10