Clinical aspects and imaging in Cirrhosis

Abstract Title: Clinical aspects and imaging in Cirrhosis
Authors: Grec Veronica, Liana Iordan
Affiliation: Western University "Vasile Goldis" Arad, Romania
Abstract text: Objectives. In this paper we studied hospitalized patients with liver Cirrhosis, diagnosed and monitored in the Department of Internal Medicine Clinical Municipal Hospital of Arad, following the evolutionary features and associated comorbidity Materials and methods-The study was conducted on a group of 30 patients hospitalized in the Department of Clinical Municipal Hospital during January to December 2009.All patients were assessed clinically, we performed a thorough history focusing on some possible etiologic factors, earlier detection of infection with hepatitis viruses, cytomegalovirus, infectious mononucleosis. Conclusions. Liver cirrhosis is a disease prevalent in both ambulatory and hospital practice. Liver cirrhosis is more common in males in V decade of life.
Cirrhosis of the liver requires a complex assessment, clinical, biological and imaging for staging, highlighting the complications and comorbidities. The most common complications of liver cirrhosis in the group studied were: haematological hypersplenism. Diabetes mellitus, anemia multifactorial, congestive gastropathy. Using Doppler ultrasound can give important information on the portal blood flow, the spleen and collateral circulation.
Keywords: Imaging in Cirrhosis
Presentation type: Oral
Correspondence: Hunedoara, Str.M.Viteazul nr.19.Bl.B4 sc.B ap.73