The value of radio-imagistic investigation in the diagnosis of the abdominal emergencies

Abstract Title: The value of radio-imagistic investigation in the diagnosis of the abdominal emergencies
Authors: Birău (Nicolescu) Amalia
Affiliation: “Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania
Abstract text: Abdominal emergencies represent a pathological acute serious state appeared as a consequence of the action of some vulnerable agents upon the body in a short period of time. The etiology of abdominal emergencies in our study was given by the abdominal lesions functional followed the mechanicals and traumatic abdominal lesions. To evaluate the importance of computer-tomography in evaluating immediate effects of the abdominal emergencies, reliable examination method, leading to maximum of information. Materials and methods: During the period 1.01.08-31.12.08 at the Municipal Clinical Hospital from Arad, was performed the examination computer-tomography at a number of 352 patients. The computer- tomography of the patients was realized with an apparatus from Diagnosis and Treatment Center – Euromedic, Arad. Results: Among the various cases of the abdominal emergencies, the most frequents were followed by abdominal lesions functional followed the mechanicals and traumatic abdominal lesions. People between 40 and 50 years were the most affected. Conclusion: CT represents a highly sensibility and specific imaging method in establishing positive diagnostic of abdominal emergencies, helping to establish the positive diagnosis and a proper therapeutic behavior. Patients with abdominal emergencies represent a category of patients who must be clinically and paraclinically examined by a various specialties doctors and only then CT examination should be performed.
Keywords: abdominal emergencies, CT
Presentation type: Poster
Correspondence: no. 1 Feleacului St., Arad, Romania