Statistical study on mortality and fatality of breast cancer, in Arad County, between the years…

Statistical study on mortality and fatality of breast cancer, in Arad County, between the years…

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Article_Title: Statistical study on mortality and fatality of breast cancer, in Arad County, between the years 1999-2009
Authors: Luminiţa Lucaci, Iosif Adalbert Szucsik
Affiliation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Victor Babeş”, Timişoara, Romania
Abstract: Breast cancer is a major public health problem in most countries of the world. While in most EU countries mortality from breast cancer dropped significantly in the last 20 years, we cannot say the same about Romania. According to WHO estimates for Romania, after 2000, mortality due to breast cancer increased by 7%. In terms of Arad County, in the period 1999-2009 average index of breast cancer mortality in women in the nine-year study period is from 35.08 to 100,000 women.
Keywords: breast cancer, mortality, fatality, Arad County
References: Bălănescu I., Al. Blidaru: Tratat de patologie chirurgicală; sub redacţia Angelescu N., I : 1187 – 1207, Editura Medicală, Bucureşti, 2003.
Colditz G.A.: Epidemiology of Breast Cancer. Cancer, 1993, 71:1480 – 1489
Drugan T, Achimaş A, Ţigan Ş. Biostatistică. Editura SRIMA. Cluj-Napoca, 2005.
Kelsey M.M., Gammon M.D.: The epidemiology of breast cancer. Cancer J. for Clin. 1990, 1:2228 – 2240
Landrivon G., DelahayeF: Cercetarea clinică de la idee la publicare, Editura Dan, 2001.
Lippman M.E. : Epidemiology of Breast Cancer. In Diagnosis and Management of Breast Cancer sub redactia lui Lippman M.E., Lichter A.S., Danforth D.N., Ed. W.B. Saunders Co., 1988, pag. 47 – 55
Mazilu, V., Ghelase, ST.M., Badea, P., Ghelase, F., Vilcea, V. – Aspecte epidemiologice în cancerul mamar. Chirurgia (Bucur.), 2003, 98:319.
Morris P.J., R.A. Malt: Textbook of Surgery; I : 789 – 828, Editura Oxford University Press, N.Y, 1994.
Mureșan P.: Manual de metode matematice în analiza stării de sănătate, Editura Medicală, București, 1989.
Țigan S, Achimaş A, Drugan T. Curs de Informatică şi Statistică Medicală. Editura SRIMA, Cluj-Napoca, 2001.
Ghid de managament al cancerului mamar, Publicat in Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 608bis din 03/09/2009
Global Cancer Facts and Figures 2007, American Cancer Society.
Correspondence: Luminiţa Lucaci, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Victor Babeş” din Timişoara.

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Article Title: Statistical study on mortality and fatality of breast cancer, in Arad County, between the years 1999-2009
Authors: Luminiţa Lucaci, Iosif Adalbert Szucsik
Affiliation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Victor Babeş”, Timişoara, Romania
Abstract: Breast cancer is a major public health problem in most countries of the world. While in most EU countries mortality from breast cancer dropped significantly in the last 20 years, we cannot say the same about Romania. According to WHO estimates for Romania, after 2000, mortality due to breast cancer increased by 7%. In terms of Arad County, in the period 1999-2009 average index of breast cancer mortality in women in the nine-year study period is from 35.08 to 100,000 women.
Keywords: breast cancer, mortality, fatality, Arad County
References: Bălănescu I., Al. Blidaru: Tratat de patologie chirurgicală; sub redacţia Angelescu N., I : 1187 – 1207, Editura Medicală, Bucureşti, 2003.
Colditz G.A.: Epidemiology of Breast Cancer. Cancer, 1993, 71:1480 – 1489
Drugan T, Achimaş A, Ţigan Ş. Biostatistică. Editura SRIMA. Cluj-Napoca, 2005.
Kelsey M.M., Gammon M.D.: The epidemiology of breast cancer. Cancer J. for Clin. 1990, 1:2228 – 2240
Landrivon G., DelahayeF: Cercetarea clinică de la idee la publicare, Editura Dan, 2001.
Lippman M.E. : Epidemiology of Breast Cancer. In Diagnosis and Management of Breast Cancer sub redactia lui Lippman M.E., Lichter A.S., Danforth D.N., Ed. W.B. Saunders Co., 1988, pag. 47 – 55
Mazilu, V., Ghelase, ST.M., Badea, P., Ghelase, F., Vilcea, V. – Aspecte epidemiologice în cancerul mamar. Chirurgia (Bucur.), 2003, 98:319.
Morris P.J., R.A. Malt: Textbook of Surgery; I : 789 – 828, Editura Oxford University Press, N.Y, 1994.
Mureșan P.: Manual de metode matematice în analiza stării de sănătate, Editura Medicală, București, 1989.
Țigan S, Achimaş A, Drugan T. Curs de Informatică şi Statistică Medicală. Editura SRIMA, Cluj-Napoca, 2001.
Ghid de managament al cancerului mamar, Publicat in Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 608bis din 03/09/2009
Global Cancer Facts and Figures 2007, American Cancer Society.
*Correspondence: Luminiţa Lucaci, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Victor Babeş” din Timişoara.