Recurrent depression – Case study

Recurrent depression – Case study

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Article_Title: Recurrent depression – Case study
Authors: Patricia Luciana Runcan
Affiliation: Faculty of Sociology and Psychology,
West University of Timisoara, Romania
Abstract: In the following writing we have decided to offer a partial outlook above the social and psychological factors which caused the depression of Ms. C.E., aged 62 years. Ms. C.E. who is retired, lives at the countryside and she is widow. She is medium grounded and across the time she has been meteo-hydro technician expert. We chose to make a qualitative research, which had as method the semi-structured interview, and as work technique, the study. The qualitative research helps the research worker to get closer and closer to the truth and to have a holistic view about the studied phenomenon. The qualitative research gives a different view, which helps many times with the veracity of the studied phenomenon. The depression appeared in Ms. C.E. life at the age of 55, considerable affected the quality of her life by having the following effects: permanently sadness feelings, unhappiness and discouragement; permanently feelings of self tension; sleepless; little appetite; hardness to concentration and keeping the attention; lost of interest to the life surrounding, lost of feelings for friends and relatives; social isolation. As conclusions to the writing we can state that the depression was caused by the following factors: family tension; loss of health; forced retirement, before term; movement from city to country; loneliness. All this factors, independent sometimes, other times paired, brought this person into depression.
Keywords: recurrent depression, Axiar, Nicerium
References: SILVERMAN DAVID, Interpretarea datelor calitative. Metode de analiză a comunicării textului şi interacţiunii, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2004
FRONCOIS DE SINGLY, ALAIN BLANCHET, ANNE GOTMAN, JEAN-CLAUDE KAUFMANN, Ancheta şi metodele ei: Chestionarul, interviul de producere a datelor, interviul comprehensiv, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 1998, p.29
CHELCEA SEPTIMIU, Iniţiere în cercetarea sociologică, Editura, Bucureşti, 2004
ROTARIU TRAIAN, ILUŢ PETRU, Ancheta sociologică şi sondajul de opinie, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 1997
ROBERT K. YIN, Studiul de caz- Designul, colectarea şi analiza datelor, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2005
Read_full_article: pdf/vol12/iss4/JMA12-4-09Runcan1.pdf
Correspondence: Patricia Luciana Runcan, Department of Social Assistance, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, West University of Timisoara, Romania

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Article Title: Recurrent depression – Case study
Authors: Patricia Luciana Runcan
Affiliation: Faculty of Sociology and Psychology,
West University of Timisoara, Romania
Abstract: In the following writing we have decided to offer a partial outlook above the social and psychological factors which caused the depression of Ms. C.E., aged 62 years. Ms. C.E. who is retired, lives at the countryside and she is widow. She is medium grounded and across the time she has been meteo-hydro technician expert. We chose to make a qualitative research, which had as method the semi-structured interview, and as work technique, the study. The qualitative research helps the research worker to get closer and closer to the truth and to have a holistic view about the studied phenomenon. The qualitative research gives a different view, which helps many times with the veracity of the studied phenomenon. The depression appeared in Ms. C.E. life at the age of 55, considerable affected the quality of her life by having the following effects: permanently sadness feelings, unhappiness and discouragement; permanently feelings of self tension; sleepless; little appetite; hardness to concentration and keeping the attention; lost of interest to the life surrounding, lost of feelings for friends and relatives; social isolation. As conclusions to the writing we can state that the depression was caused by the following factors: family tension; loss of health; forced retirement, before term; movement from city to country; loneliness. All this factors, independent sometimes, other times paired, brought this person into depression.
Keywords: recurrent depression, Axiar, Nicerium
References: SILVERMAN DAVID, Interpretarea datelor calitative. Metode de analiză a comunicării textului şi interacţiunii, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2004
FRONCOIS DE SINGLY, ALAIN BLANCHET, ANNE GOTMAN, JEAN-CLAUDE KAUFMANN, Ancheta şi metodele ei: Chestionarul, interviul de producere a datelor, interviul comprehensiv, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 1998, p.29
CHELCEA SEPTIMIU, Iniţiere în cercetarea sociologică, Editura, Bucureşti, 2004
ROTARIU TRAIAN, ILUŢ PETRU, Ancheta sociologică şi sondajul de opinie, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 1997
ROBERT K. YIN, Studiul de caz- Designul, colectarea şi analiza datelor, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2005
*Correspondence: Patricia Luciana Runcan, Department of Social Assistance, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, West University of Timisoara, Romania