Decision making and ethical dilemmas

Abstract Title: Decision making and ethical dilemmas
Authors: Teodorescu Doina Lucia
Affiliation: Department of Neonatology I, “Dr. S. Vuia” Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Hospital, Arad, Romania
Faculty of General and Dental Medicine, “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania
Abstract text: Ethics is a term used to describe the mere action of “doing good to someone”. Over time, doctors have established and maintained certain rules of ethical conduct in the process of medical care. The practice of neonatology necessitates decision making in all aspects of medical care. Neonatology is a specialty that faces numerous complex situations derived from the vital risk involved in the provision of care to the newborn, especially perinatal asphyxia and extreme prematurity. The paper presents aspects regarding ethical decision making in neonatology and also ethical dilemmas from this specialty. It is emphasized the leading principle in the medical activity, that of serving in the best interest of the patient. The obligation of behaving in a certain ethical manner in the medical practice needs knowing something about the way we should conduct ourselves and what internal and external clinical guides we should follow to achieve this purpose. The bioethical problems should be examined from the perspective of the patient, family, doctor and society as a whole.
Keywords: decision making, ethics, neonatology
Presentation type: Oral
Correspondence: no. 1 Feleacului St., Arad, Romania