Clinical and echographic aspects in common bile duct lithiasis

Abstract Title: Clinical and echographic aspects in common bile duct lithiasis
Authors: Mihaela Bodnarescu, Raluca-Liana Salajan
Affiliation: ”Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania
Abstract text: Background: Cholelithiasis is a common condition in Romania. Most cases are asymptomatic but complications can occur. Acute cholangitis (clinic manifested by Charcot triad), cholecystitis, and acute pancreatitis are the most common emergencies caused by biliary calculi. Gallstones form from an imbalance in the chemical composition of bile, where solid cholesterol fragments are formed leading to stones. Rare in childhood and become progressively more common with age. This disease affects 20% of men and 35% of women. Obesity, age, sickle-cell anemia are risk factor. Morbidity and mortality is associated only with symptomatic stones. Normal caliber of the common bile duct in patients without history of billiary diseases has been quoted as up to 6 mm by studies. Aim: To correlate the accuracy of echographic diagnosis of cholelithiasis in patients with dilatation of common bile duct (CBD) between 7 and 12 mm, with clinical jaundice, gall bladder lithiasis and symptoms associated. Materials and methods: There has been made a retrospective study during the year 2009, on 109 patients. These patients were diagnosed using clinical, biochemical and ultrasound investigations. The study was made by following criteria: sex, groups of age, clinical symptoms and dilatation of the common bile duct. Results and conclusions proved the accuracy of echographic diagnosis. It was also been proved the same as specialty literature says that it is more common predisposed to female sex. From 109 patients: CBD lithiasis was diagnosed in 60.5% (66) of women and 39.5% (43) men. In 51.5% of the cases is associated with obstructive jaundice and in 87.2% with pain. There was a correlation between the presence of common bile duct stones and increasing age which proved that the most frequently is diagnosed between 60 and 80 years.
Keywords: cholelithiasis, echographic diagnosis, calculi, common bile duct, jaundice
Presentation type: Oral
Correspondence: no. 1 Feleacului St., Arad, Romania