10-year follow-up of the GELA LNH 98.5 study
Abstract Title: 10-year follow-up of the GELA LNH 98.5 study Authors: Liviu Cheveresan Affiliation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Victor Babes”, Department of Clinical Hematology,...
MabThera 10 years of clinical experience – Laying foundations for the future
Abstract Title: MabThera 10 years of clinical experience – Laying foundations for the future Authors: Hortensia Ionita Affiliation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Victor Babes”,...
One patient, many options: What factors affect the choice of CLL therapy?
Abstract Title: One patient, many options: What factors affect the choice of CLL therapy? Authors: Anca Roxana Lupu Affiliation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol...