Therapeutical Principles In Ulcerative Colitis

Therapeutical Principles In Ulcerative Colitis

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Article_Title: Therapeutical Principles In Ulcerative Colitis
Authors: Florinel Cozma, Eftimie Miuţescu, Dana Iovanescu, Carmen Neamtu, Bogdan Dan Totolici
Affiliation: Western University of “Vasile Goldis” Arad
Abstract: The available therapeutic means for Ulcerative Colitis are limited higienic and dietetical measures, corticotherapy, salazophyrina and it’s derivatives, immunosupresion, biological treatment and surgery remain the esential ones. The coordination of these means into a therapeutic strategy needs the implication of more factors to be taken into account: the evolution of the disease in attacks interrupted by stabilizing periods, the different seriousness form one pationt to another, the variable affection but still limited a rect and sigmoid concerning 75% of the cases, the medical treatment up to date has only a suspensive effect and so, the maintenance treatment must be followed all one’s life. The total recovery is only possible with total proctocolectomy.
Keywords: ulcerative, colitis, corticotherapy, immunosupresion, proctolectomy
References: 1. Modigliani R. – Traitement from UC – Rev Prat. Paris, 1991
2. LJ Kodner, Fry RK, Fleshman JW. – The surgical management of intlammatoiy bowel disease. Curr Opinion Gastroenterol 1990
3. Modigliani Fi, Bernades P. – Diseases of the digestive tract and pancreas During pregnancy. ln Barron WM, MS Lindheimer eds. Medical Disorders During Pregnancy 1990.
4. Recomandarea si monitorizarea terapiei biologice in bolile inflamatorii intestinale nespecifice, Ministerul Sanatatii 2013
5.Tom Øresland, Willem A. Bemelman, Gianluca M. Sampietro, Antonino Spinelli, Alastair Windsor, et.all. D’Hoore on behalf of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO)European evidence based consensus on surgery for ulcerative colitis DOI: 4-25 First published online: 19 December 2014
6.Axel Dignass, James O. Lindsay, Andreas Sturm, Alastair Windsor, Jean-Frederic Colombel, et.all. Van Assche Second European evidence-based consensus on the diagnosis and management of ulcerative colitis Part 2: Current management DOI: 991-1030 First published online: 1 December 2012
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Article Title: Therapeutical Principles In Ulcerative Colitis
Authors: Florinel Cozma, Eftimie Miuţescu, Dana Iovanescu, Carmen Neamtu, Bogdan Dan Totolici
Affiliation: Western University of “Vasile Goldis” Arad
Abstract: The available therapeutic means for Ulcerative Colitis are limited higienic and dietetical measures, corticotherapy, salazophyrina and it’s derivatives, immunosupresion, biological treatment and surgery remain the esential ones. The coordination of these means into a therapeutic strategy needs the implication of more factors to be taken into account: the evolution of the disease in attacks interrupted by stabilizing periods, the different seriousness form one pationt to another, the variable affection but still limited a rect and sigmoid concerning 75% of the cases, the medical treatment up to date has only a suspensive effect and so, the maintenance treatment must be followed all one’s life. The total recovery is only possible with total proctocolectomy.
Keywords: ulcerative, colitis, corticotherapy, immunosupresion, proctolectomy
References: 1. Modigliani R. – Traitement from UC – Rev Prat. Paris, 1991
2. LJ Kodner, Fry RK, Fleshman JW. – The surgical management of intlammatoiy bowel disease. Curr Opinion Gastroenterol 1990
3. Modigliani Fi, Bernades P. – Diseases of the digestive tract and pancreas During pregnancy. ln Barron WM, MS Lindheimer eds. Medical Disorders During Pregnancy 1990.
4. Recomandarea si monitorizarea terapiei biologice in bolile inflamatorii intestinale nespecifice, Ministerul Sanatatii 2013
5.Tom Øresland, Willem A. Bemelman, Gianluca M. Sampietro, Antonino Spinelli, Alastair Windsor, et.all. D’Hoore on behalf of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO)European evidence based consensus on surgery for ulcerative colitis DOI: 4-25 First published online: 19 December 2014
6.Axel Dignass, James O. Lindsay, Andreas Sturm, Alastair Windsor, Jean-Frederic Colombel, et.all. Van Assche Second European evidence-based consensus on the diagnosis and management of ulcerative colitis Part 2: Current management DOI: 991-1030 First published online: 1 December 2012