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Authors: Bogdan Totolici1, Francisca Blanca Călinescu1*, Ionel Droc2, Carmen Neamţu1
Affiliation: 1„Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad – Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine, Arad, Romania
2 ‘Vasile Cândea’ Army’s Clinic Emergency Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Cardiovascular Surgery Department, Bucharest, Romania
Abstract: Restenosis of arteries and grafts after revascularization interventions represent difficult management decisions and real technical challenges that the vascular surgeons need to face. We present a case of a 59 year old male patient with multilevel arterial disease for which he underwent a complex open arterial reconstruction two years ago. He presents with 80% restenosis at the proximal anasthomosis on the external iliac artery. Our option was the endovascular treatment by placing a stent from the external-iliac artery into the Dacron prosthesis. Six months after the intervention, the patient is free of symptoms with patent bypasses evidentiated on Echo Doppler examination.
Keywords: multilevel arterial disease, sequential by-pass, stenting, endovascular, critical limb ischemia
References: Rutherford R. B.- Basic vascular surgical techniques. In Vascular Surgery, 5th edn, ed. R. B. Rutherford. (Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 2000), pp. 476–7.
Allaire E.& Clowes A.W. – The intimal hyperplastic response. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 64 (1997), S38–S46.
Kuhel D.G., B. H. Zhu, D. P. Witte & D.Y. Hui – Distinction in genetic determinants for injury-induced neointimal hyperplasia and diet-induced atherosclerosis in inbred mice. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 22 (2002), 955–60.
Williams DO, Holubkov R, Yeh W, et al. – Percutaneous coronary interventions in the current era compared with 1985–1986: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Registries. Circulation 2000; 102:2945–2951.
Green RM, Abbott WM, Matsumoto T, Wheeler JR, Miller N, Veith FJ, et al. – Prosthetic above-knee femoropopliteal bypass grafting: Five-year results of a randomized trial. J Vasc Surg 2000; 31(3):417–425.
el-Massry S, Saad E, Sauvage LR, Zammit M, Smith JC, Davis CC, et al. – Femoropopliteal bypass with externally supported knitted Dacron grafts: A follow-up of 200 grafts for one to twelve years. J Vasc Surg 1994; 19(3):487–494.
Read_full_article: pdf/vol17/iss1-4/15 JMA 2014 – Neamtu Endovascular treatment for vascular graft.pdf
Correspondence: Francisca Blanca Călinescu
“Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad,
Faculty of Medicine,Pharmacy and Dental Medicine
Str. Geza Gruber Nr.12, Cartierul Verde
Arad, Romania
Mobil: 0743284001
Fax: 0368804270
E-mail: blanca.calinescu@yahoo.com

Read full article
Authors: Bogdan Totolici1, Francisca Blanca Călinescu1*, Ionel Droc2, Carmen Neamţu1
Affiliation: 1„Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad – Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine, Arad, Romania
2 ‘Vasile Cândea’ Army’s Clinic Emergency Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Cardiovascular Surgery Department, Bucharest, Romania
Abstract: Restenosis of arteries and grafts after revascularization interventions represent difficult management decisions and real technical challenges that the vascular surgeons need to face. We present a case of a 59 year old male patient with multilevel arterial disease for which he underwent a complex open arterial reconstruction two years ago. He presents with 80% restenosis at the proximal anasthomosis on the external iliac artery. Our option was the endovascular treatment by placing a stent from the external-iliac artery into the Dacron prosthesis. Six months after the intervention, the patient is free of symptoms with patent bypasses evidentiated on Echo Doppler examination.
Keywords: multilevel arterial disease, sequential by-pass, stenting, endovascular, critical limb ischemia
References: Rutherford R. B.- Basic vascular surgical techniques. In Vascular Surgery, 5th edn, ed. R. B. Rutherford. (Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 2000), pp. 476–7.
Allaire E.& Clowes A.W. – The intimal hyperplastic response. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 64 (1997), S38–S46.
Kuhel D.G., B. H. Zhu, D. P. Witte & D.Y. Hui – Distinction in genetic determinants for injury-induced neointimal hyperplasia and diet-induced atherosclerosis in inbred mice. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 22 (2002), 955–60.
Williams DO, Holubkov R, Yeh W, et al. – Percutaneous coronary interventions in the current era compared with 1985–1986: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Registries. Circulation 2000; 102:2945–2951.
Green RM, Abbott WM, Matsumoto T, Wheeler JR, Miller N, Veith FJ, et al. – Prosthetic above-knee femoropopliteal bypass grafting: Five-year results of a randomized trial. J Vasc Surg 2000; 31(3):417–425.
el-Massry S, Saad E, Sauvage LR, Zammit M, Smith JC, Davis CC, et al. – Femoropopliteal bypass with externally supported knitted Dacron grafts: A follow-up of 200 grafts for one to twelve years. J Vasc Surg 1994; 19(3):487–494.
*Correspondence: Francisca Blanca Călinescu
“Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad,
Faculty of Medicine,Pharmacy and Dental Medicine
Str. Geza Gruber Nr.12, Cartierul Verde
Arad, Romania
Mobil: 0743284001
Fax: 0368804270
E-mail: blanca.calinescu@yahoo.com